For me:
[/li][li]The Guild
Dr. Horrible.
The Guild.
Harry Potter.
Stargate (although I haven’t watched it yet).
Life on Mars.
The Big Lebowski.
That’s all I can remember for now.
Terminator Sarah Connor
nuff said
Babylon 5
The Guild
(among many others that I can’t recall right now)
and even though I’d seen some of it before, and wanted to see it anyways… watching Trek with people here is OSSIM!!
Dr. Horrible
The Guild
Donnie Darko (director’s edition)
Thank you, GWCers!!
Prolly Chuck
Real Genius
Legend of Neil
Everything else I pretty much would have watched eventually.
The Guild.
Not shows, but I picked up Snow Crash and The Road, based on the GWC Book Club. Excellent recommendations.
For me: The Guild, Harry Potter (past the third movie), I Robot, and the X-Men movies. I also watched Transformers and Aliens movies for the first time because of GWC, but I personally didn’t care for those as much.
The Guild
Dr. Horrible
And in the book arena - Honor Harrington
The Big Lebowski, which is funny because it’s not even SF.
And that Razor movie with the girl from True Blood.
Babylon 5
Wonderful idea for a thread, FBC.
The Guild
Legend of Neil
Warehouse 13: I would have never given this show a second chance after the pilot, and it deserved it it because it really is a good show, and is coming into it’s own, without the positive stuff GWCers were saying about it each week.
Firefly. How can you thank someone (and actually that “someone” is a whole group of online friends who’s opinions and tastes I’ve come to trust over the past several years) enough for turning you onto Firefly??! You can’t. But thanks everyone for the constant “You’ve GOT to see this show!”
You thank us by going out there and convincing someone else it’s worth while.
Wow, this is a great thread.
Probably easiest if I work in reverse order. I wouldn’t have tried Warehouse 13 if it hadn’t been for Sean’s post about it, and I am glad I tried it. The show is surprisingly endearing and certainly not ‘heavy’ plots, but compelling and interesting.
Life on Mars, UK. I have now watched this once on my own and am now watching it again with my wife. This is perhaps the best television I have seen in 10 years. Definitely in my personal top 5.
Red Dwarf. I watched the whole frakking thing. Started in fits and starts and eventually started consuming them 3 to 5 at a time. Brilliant. Thank you Netflix.
The IT Crowd. This show makes me roar with laughter until I actually hurt.
World War Z. Picked up this book because of the book club. Not normally a fan of zombielore in anyway. This is an incredible book that takes such a fresh and real look at what would happen globally if a virus with these effects got loose.
Virtuality. I saw this only because of GWC. Hell, I wouldn’t have known it was on if it weren’t for the forum.
District 9. I would have passed on this if it wasn’t for the positive feedback in the community regarding this movie. From the trailers I thought, “meh” but everyone’s thots here convinced me this was a must see movie. They were right.
Animatrix. I would have never watchd this if it weren’t for the arc, and that is a shame. For whatever reason I never found a reason to watch it. Animation? Matrix? Why bother? Who cares? Just one of many examples were I was very, very wrong about my impression of a subject matter.
Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick - For a while Sean mentioned this every other time he breathed. I dropped Pitch Black into my Netflix queue on a lark and got it unexpectedly. It was so much better than I would have ever expected. Chronicles of Riddick just turned it up to 11. Thank you Sean.
Last but not least, Mass Effect. This one would have passed me by if the Crue hadn’t stopped talking about it. I finally buckled, bought a new video card and played, and played, and played. My wife is annoyed with you, but I thank you.
Oh, and Venture Brothers. But I haven’t watched them in order or completely.
Flip side: What have you heard about that you mean to check out, but haven’t gotten around to yet?
Venture Brothers (expensive DVDs!)
Donny Darko (does this exist in the wild?)
:eek: Really you haven’t seen it? well i’ll tell you what i have an extra DVD of this cause i bought special edition. Send me word if you want and i’ll ship it off to you…
and you too can enjoy the confused brilliance of Donnie Darko.
Same here. Firefly is by far the one show I would’ve never gotten into if it wasn’t for this forum (and, specifically, Lucky. Man, I am so grateful to you for sending one of your sets out of the blue like you did. I still owe you too).
Also, Dollhouse. I probably wouldn’t have given it a chance were it not for having gotten into Firefly and hearing folks round these parts talking about it.
Believe it or not, Back to the Future. Though I’d certainly seen them plenty of times, I didn’t feel a real connection to those films until the Back to the Future arc a few months back. Now, whenever I find one on TV I just have to watch and smile and think of all of you.
Oh, and Star Wars Legacy. What a great comic series that is!
Red Dwarf
Buffy (past the two part season premiere. I know I should just jump in on season 2, and I will one of these days)
Ender’s Game, Foundation, I, Robot and a number of other SF novels