Smallville 9x17 Checkmate

Friday, 9 April 2010
8 PM Eastern/Pacific

This one also needs to be pushed back a few weeks. :frowning:

Fixed now. :slight_smile:

Does anyone have this on tonight? It’s bumped for baseball here. :frowning:

I got it :slight_smile:

Now I’m not sure if I should spoil it for you:confused:.

Go ahead. I won’t be reading until I get to see the episode. I’ll catch up later.

I like how martian manhunter turns black with red eyes. Just looks cool :slight_smile:

Hi all…

ooo cool idea poison capsule in tooth countered by mind reading. Thats just cool :slight_smile:

very cool. :cool:

hi leah :slight_smile:

Hi there…

“I can run…”
not fast enough.

Not tights. HEHEHE He objected a bit much.

Well I’m also a big supporter of correcting “It’s a uniform!”

These secret identities are not very secret.

Yeah these kids today wear sunglasses or nothing at all :cool:
In my day they wore masks.:slight_smile:

So true so true. :wink:

Police must go through fire to serve???