Friday, 9 April 2010
8 PM Eastern/Pacific
This one also needs to be pushed back a few weeks.
Fixed now.
Does anyone have this on tonight? It’s bumped for baseball here.
I got it
Now I’m not sure if I should spoil it for you:confused:.
Go ahead. I won’t be reading until I get to see the episode. I’ll catch up later.
I like how martian manhunter turns black with red eyes. Just looks cool
Hi all…
ooo cool idea poison capsule in tooth countered by mind reading. Thats just cool
very cool.
hi leah
Hi there…
“I can run…”
not fast enough.
Not tights. HEHEHE He objected a bit much.
Well I’m also a big supporter of correcting “It’s a uniform!”
These secret identities are not very secret.
Yeah these kids today wear sunglasses or nothing at all
In my day they wore masks.
So true so true.
Police must go through fire to serve???