Friday, 6 November 2009
8 PM Eastern/Pacific
I’m here. I managed to tear myself aware from Dragon Age.
hello there
I’m disappointed Terence Stamp isn’t in this episode.
Is that a game?
I’m clueless.
Lol. It’s the commercial that was just on.
Yes, it is. I just got it today.
I like Callum Blue’s Zod, although I’m a little surprised to see Jor-El, since it was already established that he resembled Clark.
And what’s up with the decidedly non-alien uniforms? Has the budget been stripped that much?
Uniforms may just be functional not futuristic. OK, that was just me trying to make sense of it.
Camera angle up Tess’s legs. Keep those teens watching I guess.
What’s up with the weird color lighting this season?
Ah super breath. Haven’t seen that in a while.
Yellow anyone?
The music is decidedly not subtle this episode either.
Daddy finally comes home and Clark is not there.
OK, this is just jumping the shark here.
Enough of the ads.
Maybe he is a clone too. The ones that gave blood had no memory.
Huh, neat flip here. Usually the opposite.
I think one of the faces is Mark Shepherd’s father.
I like the movie version prison circles.
Oliver seems particularly unimpressed with it.
You must be right. Of course, the Jor-El in the Fortress is a clone of sorts as well, so who knows how many versions there are…