The one in the fortress has more memory so who knows?
Krypton neck pinch?
Circular logic on why daddy is at the Clark’s.
I thought Zod and others do not have powers so how does Dad? So then how can Zod think he is the blur?
I’m guessing he didn’t trust them to behave on Earth, so he took away their powers, exactly like Zod said he did. Twisted.
Oh, I thought all clones including himself did not have powers.
Clark is Zod’s son? What?
Cancel that odd thought. i hope.
Ouch. Two fathers he has lost.
OK, how creepy is it that Chloe has cameras inside Clark’s house? :eek:
Heh. Nice musical ending.
Wonder twins!!
I wonder if we’ll see Gleek.
Maybe as a transformation.
I’m wondering if anyone else was bothered by Jor-El being sentenced to death by the council. I may be way off (and please correct me if I am) but didn’t they make the Phantom Zone because they had no death penalty? Maybe I’m mixing sources that I shouldn’t.
Who is to say they didn’t do away with capital punishment afterwards? Dunno how many years that was before Clark was born.
Also, I think Jor-El invented the phantom zone. Maybe he did so because he was almost sentenced to death. d:
Yeah, that whole thing deviates pretty dramatically from already established mythology, something they said they wouldn’t do. The actions of the clones are OK, since they’re outside the source material, but everything on Krypton is a bit sketchy.
Right before he sealed the Orb, I think he used the blue kryptonite on it to form the shape of the orb. Deliberately removing clone’s power if they were ever let go on earth.
Jor-El himself said he removed his own power with a blue kryptoonite also, but Zod didn’t buy it, and was able to figure out Jor-El later had a son who has the powers.
I liked this episode a lot actually. I don’t really mind the death sentence thing, frankly if i had to pick between death or phantom zone, i rather pick death…
Ooo thats a cool idea. I hope they go that way.