Smallville 10x14 Masquerade

Wait, that’s the same club from Supergirl, isn’t it?

I keep anticipating ways they can erase Chloe from the Smallville mythos. I don’t think this is it… But, we know the actress is only on for a few episodes…

Probably. I wouldn’t be surprised.

I don’t know if they’ll erase her but maybe something’ll happen and she’ll have to go by a different name.

Well, not this episode at least. She’s in at least one more.

Plus, she’s already wiped out all record of Chloe Sullivan. Maybe the Legion kids just knew her as Watchtower? Wait, no. The timeline has changed at least twice since they said they never heard of her.

I don’t think them not knowing her will change.

You know that’s not Clark…

This isn’t real.

Knew it even before the Chlark suggestion from Clark.

This isn’t real. Again.

Not Ollie either.

“In Clark’s case, it’s lust.”

Yes. Yes it is. :stuck_out_tongue:

IBIMB :smiley:

How many sins are they up to?

I can’t wait until they ditch that jacket. Just frakkin’ awful. :frowning:

Is the Smallville or Supernatural?



I am wondering wasn’t super girl supposed to be working on this?

She’s busy being an alien skinjob.

They are mixing Batman/Bruce Wayne in this.

Clark Kent becomes a big ol’ dork.

Phase one: complete. :cool:

aha so the clark kent mask is all in one go. I like it. :slight_smile: