Smallville 10x14 Masquerade

You didn’t actually miss much. That phone call has us all guessing too.

The Blur is going global, so Lois wants him to make his costume more concealing and Ollie and Chloe stole someone’s reservation at a fancy restaurant that looks suspiciously like the Ace of Clubs, then got a phone call from the lady who was supposed to be there just before she got murdered.

Yeah true. She could have talked a lot more.

And by murdered, I think Darkseided…

I just thought of something. How’d Clark get to London without flying? It’d piss a metric crap ton of people off if he mastered flight off screen.

Are we actually going to find out anything about the third of Darkseid’s minions finally? He just showed up at the end of Abandoned and said a few lines.

Still second to Flash in running speed.

you can run across water if you’re fast enough.

That scene with the cop was funny as hell.

Yeah, I knew Flash could do that, but I thought Clark had to go around when he was chasing him. He stopped at the edge of the lake at least.

They stole someone else’s reservation? Who does that?

So when do we get shirtless Marky Mark? :rolleyes:

Or messianic enough. :stuck_out_tongue:

“This is definitely the most romantic of my recent kidnappings.” :smiley:

Well, he is a god…or demigod…

It was last call and the Jones’ clearly weren’t showing up.

Yeah, and in the other episode I’m watching now, Ollie apologized for taking Clark’s name in vain. Of course, he was being more than a bit of an asshole at the time. Of course, later in the episode, he Sarah Connor pumped a shotgun, so it’s all good.

Cool fight scene, but I think they attacked the good guys.

It’s also the premise of the movie Date Night.

Smallville, bringing original storylines since 2001. :smiley:

Yeah, was obvious after they went thru the door.

“It’s my power. I can call it whatever I want.” :smiley:

lol “it’s my power i can call it what I want.:mad:”