Siege weapons, Trojan Bunnies and Dwarf Tossing

Some video of Baby firing. It was a windy day, but I got to pull the trigger all day:D:D:D


That is too cool for words. How far did Baby throw?

I don’t mean to be all judgmental and stuff, but in some cultures flinging babies is considered …ya know…kinda morally ify.:eek:

Dwarf tossing on the other hand…

I think we got up to 170 ft. We were hitting 160 ft consistently, and even with all of the wind, it never got far off the line.

The idea wasn’t to fling babies, but to use them as a counterweight. Flinging babies would just be silly.

Yup, she’s an engineer alright.

I agree. Babies and cute and lovable and stuff–I’ve had a couple myself.
But aerodynamically they’re less then desirable.

Yeah, makes sense. So how many babies does it take to fling a dwarf?

Besides, how effective are babies against fortified walls?

To be fair, they do make an impression.

Thank you! I’ll be here all week. Try the pastrami.

Make an impression, eh? Are you the one who’s been going around making impressions in Nebraska?

‘Butt Bandit’ Arrested in Nebraska

I plead a fifth.


Not if you set them on fire first. :smiley:

Nah, the flailing would throw off the trajectory

Obviously, you’d duct-tape them into a spherical shape first. :rolleyes:

Of course! How could I have been so blind? And the blood curdling screams would strike fear into the hearts of my enemies!

Truly, seige warfare is a beautiful thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you intend to duct-tape them into a spherical shape, then it follows that the inner core does not have to be composed of babies at all. You could really use any extraneous material lying about. Babies, puppies, kittens, chickens and ducks… you name it, they are all gonna go up in the air!

You could also build up real big, so that you can launch bigger stuff. Tossing a cow over the castle wall, for example. Possibilities are endless.

or a large wooden rabbit