I took this one during one of my dads bike races.
The first pic i took with my digital camera
One of my favorite pics. I took it in some church in Old San Juan.
Bloody Cold but a really cool pic
I took this one during one of my dads bike races.
The first pic i took with my digital camera
One of my favorite pics. I took it in some church in Old San Juan.
Bloody Cold but a really cool pic
Loving all these pictures!
One more to post of the tons that i have
My doggy paparazzi shot. This is of my friends dog Geordi (yes named after La Forge) getting caught like he was doing something naughty…
That sub is an Ohio class correct me if I’m wrong
From a trip to Paris a few years back…
Lucky, you have a gift. Those are awesome.
The gargoyle overlooking front gates of Eastern State Penitentiary in Philly:
Beneath the cherry canopy at this year’s festival in DC:
One of my mom’s cats, who alternates between really beautiful and ridiculous looking, due to her unruly, long hair (this pic captures both)
Ooo, photography. Here’s some of my stuff… I’m only an amateur, so my camera kinda sucks. :rolleyes:
Flathead Lake, Montana. I really love to vacation up there - it’s so beautiful there, especially at twilight.
This one was taken at Seal Beach. Because my camera’s light sensor is so cruddy, it blurred everything, which turned out really cool.
Gah the images came out kinda big. Sorry if this post takes an hour to load.
aaaaaargh buttons
Sorry about the doublepost.
This one’s for GR. (It’s a bit fuzzy since I took it with my old cell phone.) I figured he’d like to see the next gen of Batman fandom…
Oh! The all-black costume instead of the old gray-blue one? Awesome!
Is that your daughter?
Here are some pictures I took yesterday down by the river when we were swimming the dogs! First, the train bridge downstream from where we were.
This one is the bluffs to the east of our location.
Some cattails next to us.
And some (I think) purple cone flowers.
No, that’s a little boy who came into the daycare I where I used to work. His mother said he wouldn’t take it off.
Hey, I can see that! If I had a Batman costume, I wouldn’t wanna take it off too!
This is what passes for a dining room centerpiece at a house where I was working, the consequences of putting a bunch of men in charge of home decor.
Misshapen star on the side of a local barn. At first, I’d thought it just a regular star that had slipped from its proper place into this shape, but no, there are large posts at each point, so this is the shape they wanted. Reminds me of the Elder Sign from Lovecraft. Guess we know Who’s going to eat those goats and cows…
This didn’t come out as clearly as I would have liked, but these bumper stickers also covered the sides, hood, and top of the vehicle, difficult angles to take while in traffic. My favorite is in the lower right corner: “The King James Bible is God’s Perfect Word”. I guess the 3000 years before that in other languages were just rough drafts…
Bizzare bumper sticker on an SUV in a parking lot. Not sure what they’re doing with Texas that feels so right (IYKWIM). If you look closely, you can see a rare self-portrait of me. As you can see, I have a hand and possibly a head…
Hey, where is that barn? That’s one I don’t think I’ve passed. That’s really odd. It makes me think that young Jacob was just learning his craft and this was his first attempt at a star, and the family is proudly displaying his work like most people do on the refrigerator.
OK, here are a few of mine:
Queen’s Bath (This is quite difficult to get to, especially for non-hikers like us. It was worth it for this one experience, but I’m not sure I’d do it again.) This is a giant tide pool to swim in on the cliff of this rocky “beach”. It is much deeper than it looks and it has lots of large fish swimming in it. The rocks on the bottom and sides are pretty slimy so it can be treacherous getting in and out.
Here are a couple close-ups that I took of flowers:
Some landscapes. Kauai is, for the most part, a very lush, beautiful island. (There is a small part on the southern coast that looks almost like a desert.) Kauai has the honor or claiming the wettest spot on earth. Literally, one of its mountain peaks receives more rainfall than any other place on earth. Here are some pictures I took on one day’s adventure:
These are from a boat tour of the Napali Coast. These landscapes are impossible to get to by land unless you are an extremely experienced hiker. We didn’t see too many people on land from the boat, but there were a few brave souls. Apparently it is a several day hike into and out of this area. The views were breathtaking and my photos don’t do them justice.