Show us your photos!

So as to not hijack the photo tips thread, I thought I would start this one for people to post their favorite pics that they have taken. Please put your photos here, not just some you have found somewhere.

These are all from my flickr photostream.

Mykonos, in the Greek isles…

The Arno River and Ponte Vecchio bridge in Florence, Italy

Byers Lake and the Alaska Range, Alaska


Great idea! Not hijacking my thread at all: One thread is about technique, tips and tricks and one is about final product. I look forward to seeing everyone’s favorite pics! I’ll have to post mine once I get home.

EDIT: BTW, I love the cat picture. Having two subjects in perfect focus, great composition and color…awesome shot!

how did you embed the flickr picture in your post? I tried to use the exact same link combination from my flickr photostream and all I got was the white quadrangle that means “broken link”

[ url= ]
[ img ] http:// the.url.of.the.image.itself [ img ]
[ /url ]

Remove the extra spaces inside the [ and ] symbols.

You can get the urls for your flickr page and photo from the html in the “view all sizes” tab in flickr

that’s what I needed to know. thanks a lot!

Now, the story for this picuter:

In 2005, I was in an undergraduate English literature seminar (London in contemporary English fiction) and we made a five-day trip to London in June 2005, it was totally cool, and one day our professor took us to Kew Gardens, because of the Virginia Woolf book. It was a terrible day for me, it was June, my hayfever was unbearable (it was June! we were in a Botanic Garden!) and then two friends of mine and I wandered off a little and came to this section of Kew Gardens that was obviously still under construction (but wasn’t closed off!) and we walked around a bit and I found this sign that they had already stuck in the ground and between sneezers, I took this photo, it still makes me laugh:

Ok - let’s see if I can get this Flickr/picture stuff working! :slight_smile:

My pictures are at I’ve made some basic comments for each picture. Hopefully I can get some more up there soon!

Those are gorgeous spatterson! I need to ask, what camera phone do you have and how many megapixels does it have? The quality is unbelievable!

It’s a 2 year old Razr from Verizon. It’s a pain in the %#$ to get the picture off 'cause I don’t want to pay for the internet. But a $20 bluetooth adapter and much cussing later, there they are. Actually, now that I think about it, those might be from my Olympus Stylus 4mp camera. I bought a new camera that weekend and I’m not sure if those were from my old camera or from my camera phone - I was using both that day. I KNOW they’re not from my new camera. I’ll have to check when I get home to make sure. :slight_smile:

Killer Whale in Alaska

Baby Bald Eagle (long distance shot, note the single feather on its’ head)

Flower on Alaskan beach

This one I took last summer out of my window, unfortunately only with a 2MP camera phone, I had to do it quickly. What you’re looking at is east, the sun is setting right behind me in the west.

Wow, that’s an incredible photo, GalaxyRanger, and ironic as I was about to post a few of my favorite sunset pics I had taken.

Sunrise in the sandbox, prior to work.

Sunset, same day, end of work.

Sunset in North eastern Afghanistan

Thanks, Lucky. I like your Orca. There’s a certain touch of tranquility and peacefulness about that shot.

Ok - after checking out the original files on my computer, I realized I fibbed. :eek: Those were taken with my 4mp Olympus Stylus Verve camera (which I no longer own). Sorry!

I am too challenged to figure out how to post anything, but these photos are incredible! You all have such a great eye for the shot. Thanks for sharing.

Westbound over the Cascade mts between Wenatchee WA, and Seattle.

Downtown Seattle from the Stacy St Yard.

Stormy seas north of White Rock BC.

First snow on top of Stevens Pass, the 8 mile Cascade tunnel is around the corner.

wow! these are cool! the last one looks totally like where I live!

If that looks like where you live you really should try to move your house a bit to the left or right. :stuck_out_tongue:

Unless you live on a train.

Oh yeah, like the one in GoldenEye!

No, I meant the landscape, the hills, trees, the snow…

That’s the town where I live … I couldn’t find a picture of like in the forests surrounding it, but you can imagine the similarity…