Sherlock (new british TV show)

Hi All - Just wanted to let people know of a GREAT new UK TV show called sherlock (BBC) sunday nights at 9pm UK time. Its a combination of Life on Mars meets Dr Who. Sherlock holmes and Dr Watson set in modern city london solving crime. Takes the Guy Richie movie into a TV series with a bit of Dr Who and Life on Mars. GREAT show.

Dave Lister 55555 (boy from the dwarf)

I’ve been watching it. Great show. There are only 3 episodes though. Hopefully they will make more. Anyone else notice the similarity in the score for this show compared to the Robert Downey Jr movie. I must watch it again.

The three (yes only three aired episodes) have all been pretty good, the first was the best but good production values and superb casting makes up for such lacklustre investment in the “series”.
As mentioned the soundtrack/score is excellent.

The good news is that there will a second batch of episodes but maybe not for a year and in the US the PBS channel has the rights with October 24th slated as the premiere.

I get the feeling that the episodes were supposed to be cut in half rather than 90 minutes a week, that said I did enjoy it a lot, and am really curious as to what the abandoned pilot is like… roll on DVD!

They maybe when broadcast in the US, a 45 minute drama on the BBC is fairly rare as they make shows to fill an hour not 40-45 minutes plus adverts. Given what I have read of some BBC stuff being cut for time then having the original easily chopped without losing content is probably a bonus.

I heard the original pilot was not good which makes me want to see what direction they went:)

I finally got a chance to watch the show, and I think significantly, the weakest one was the 2nd one, where it was well acted and everything, but the mystery was really weak and Sherlock and co. were forced to solve everything so slowly in order to fill the whole episode. It was the only episode not written by the creators (Moffat! and some other guy), so maybe it’s that.

I like the actor who plays Sherlock, and of course Tim from the office playing Watson. It’s kind of interesting that this Sherlock feels a bit similar to the new Doctor.

Huh. I heard that they asked for them to extend the show to 90 mins because they liked the original pilot - so the new pilot is basically the same as the old one, except with more scenes. Not sure which actually happened.

I’m not sure why they only had 3 episodes though. I think it warrants at least 5 episodes (kind of like Torchwood S3). Hope they have a second season for sure!

p.s. I really liked their take on [spoiler]Moriaty[/spoiler].

The original pilot is included in the DVD and Blu-ray boxsets due out on the 30th August in the UK. I’m not buying the series straight away, it’ll be in the bargain bin within two months then I’ll pick it up:)

Is there anywhere I can watch this online? I’m quite intrigued.

I wonder if Sherlock-style ratiocination (to use Poe’s term) is actually possible IRL. I’ve seen people try to do it and fail miserably. Is there anyone in real life who does this kind of thing?

Hey Shala, Showcase in Canada started running these a few weeks ago, and I think they’ll be rerunning them again in October. Last week they ran the third one in the series - awesome!

Looks like Sherlock is coming to the US on PBS Masterpiece.

Looks interesting and i’m looking forward to it.

Managed ahem to see this (except the last half hour of ep. 3–that’s tonight,) and it’s frakin’ brilliant. I’m amazed at how they manage to import a lot of the original material while still keeping it fresh. Holmes is great, Watson is finally portrayed correctly, and

[spoiler]Mycroft is spot-on, although I was able to suss him out quickly[/spoiler]

I’m not even much off a Holmes fan, I thought his methods suspect even as a tweener, but they do a good job of balancing that here. Better than I recall Doyle doing. (One word: Harry.)

Make a point of watching this. It’s well worth it.

That was my problem with the original novels: it’s pretty much a super power most of the time. This version does a fair job of reigning it in to the point of plausibility.

Even so, I doubt anyone can do that degree of reasoning IRL. There are people who can do it far better than the average joe, though.

I’m hoping to catch this tonight at 9pm (EST) on PBS (in the US). It sounds like it should be good! :slight_smile:

I saw the episode “A Study in Pink” on Masterpiece Theater (PBS) last night. I thought it was really well done. They made it very clear that this incarnation of Holmes is adept with modern technology. I also really liked the portrayal of Dr. Watson and the way the two play off eachother.

The DVD and Blueray are avalible for Pre-order at the PBS Store online (shipping by 11/09/2010).

Here are the links



PBS now has this straming on their website for those that still haven’t seen it. It’s a pretty darn good show(though i wish they had a larger stream)

If you haven’t seen it, you need to.

I’ve also watched the 3 movies in the last few days.

Besides reading a few Sherlock Holmes short stories in school, this is my first visit into that word. Especially liked the humor aspects of it. And a few twists I didn’t see coming, like
[spoiler]the “gay” dude being Jim Moriarty[/spoiler]
Now I’m only waiting for Michael Emerson as Dean Moriarty. :smiley:

The hub & I just finished watching the 3rd one tonight- we both love it!

So smartly cast and produced. Love the freshness and balance of modern tech- and gotta say I LOVE Watson! So funny to think of him as the smitten porn star in Love Actually! lol!

Fab show! Can’t wait for the next set of shows!

:slight_smile: Sherlock to return for second series… here is a link to the article…