SG-1 for the first time (back-to-back)

I love commentaries but they can really tax the clock when watching a boxset:)

Some of them are hysterical…

SG1 is probably the most rewarding show if you watch it beginning to end.

I Started watching in Last November and I literally watch the last of the TV movie yesterday and I was blown away. That last movie ‘‘Continuum’’ tie everything together form season 1 to 10 and makes the better of everything.

The only thing is that I invested so much time that I miss the characters dearly.
I Wish Vala was in way more ep :frowning:

I have a new favorite Stargate episode.

#1: Season 2, Episode 16: A Matter of Time
#2: Season 1, Episode 10: The Torment of Tantalus

Excellent choice, my man. SG1 does some great things with black holes/time dilation later on in the series.

The continuity on this show is used so well, not just that they bring something back, but they bring it back to work for them. Last week’s Earth-shattering threat may be incorporated into part of their plan to solve Season 5’s Earth-shattering threat. That black hole in A Matter of Time…well, it’s still out there.

…frak, now I want to do a series rewatch. :smiley:

Up to Season 4 now. Real turning point for me in terms of consistent quality was Season 3 right after the episode 8 “Demons.” The only slip was “The Devil you Know” which even for its silliness was a good episode.

Now into Season 4 things continue to get better. They have also begun to employ the awesome power of unnecessary cleavage which is slightly hi-larious in episode 4. Watch and see what I mean.

Edit: Episode 5 adds midrift with major boobage. Next episode I expect full frontal nudity. I love this show.

From what I’ve heard, execs were taking a cue from Voyager to try to boost ratings. Anise was actually not a bad character, but there was quite a bit of backlash. As a matter of fact, from just checking the Stargate Wiki, the actress who played Anise actually auditioned for Seven of Nine.

Oh, and I just noticed where you are in the season. No nudity in episode 6, but it is one of the most popular episodes in the history of the franchise.

I’m about a season behind you… but I’ve been quite enjoying it all along.

Even though Daniel annoys me. A lot.

Really? Why?

Wait a bit. Daniel become way more interesting in latter season. His over all character arc is one of the best. By the end of SG-1 he is a different guy while staying consistent with who he is!
Keep watching!!

Worry not, as I am still watching. Daniel’s just my by far least favorite character at this point (I’m several episodes into season 3 of SG-1).

It drives me crazy that he’s brilliant or whatever, but never explains things. He has realizations, and then does something, and everyone else just has to go along with it. This is, for me, a huge contrast with someone like Sam Carter (who I LOVE!), who is also brilliant, but explains things as she goes along doing them. If Daniel explains something, it’s afterwards. And it drives me crazy!

I find it so much easier to accept Daniels explanations though;)

There’s nothing better than good ol’ stargate. I have to say that even though i haven’t seen as much stargate as i would like to, it’s just quite possibly one of the greatest sci-fi shows out there.

I’ve been rewatching myself. Although I admit I’m skipping a few of the episodes. I’ve seen seasons 1-7 too many times to count. But I’m on season 8 now. When you get to season 8, I find it best to watch the SG1 episode, followed by the atlantis episode. There’s only a small amount of crossover, that’s the way it was broadcast.

As for favourite episode, it’s got to be Window of Opportunity.

Is there any chance of you mapping those out for us newbs? The sequence between SG and Atlantis?

If you want to do it as aired, watch SG-1 until the Atlantis episodes (two parts) then start alternating SG-1 and Atlantis. (Season 8 of SG-1 and S2 of Atlantis, etc.)

Actually, Season 1 of Atlantis was parallel with Season 8 of SG-1.

The opener of SG-1 Season 8 is a 2 parter. After that, watch the Atlantis pilot, then go back and forth. Though there isn’t much of a link between them, so alternating by disc is probably close enough (and more convenient than having to swap discs after every episode). Just make sure you watch The Siege Parts 1 and 2 (last two episodes of Atlantis Season 1) after watching the SG-1 season finale, as there is a bit of a connection there.

Yes. I meant that you should alternate episodes, not seasons. Sorry that wasn’t clear.

well if you’r epatient with us on gatecast we’re a fair amount in to seaon 3 (the ever editing and on top of things Jarrak can tell you where) we will get to Atlantis eventually and will then probably have to alternate between the two.
So in short, go listen to and download gatecast, I’ll shamelessly pimp our podcast here (as let’s face it I have no shame.
on the “gatecast co host and avaialble drunken irishman for weddings” ID

Ever since i noticed it was all on netflix I started a rewatch…that was 2 weeks ago…I’m no in season 7.