Sci-Fi Channel to change its name

…To the SyFy channel. Read the full article and get your rage on.

Sci Fi Channel Aims to Shed Geeky Image With New Name

especially of note:

“The name Sci Fi has been associated with geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games and stuff like that, as opposed to the general public and the female audience in particular,” said TV historian Tim Brooks, who helped launch Sci Fi Channel when he worked at USA Network.

Oh My Gods!!! What the Frak!!!

do any of these Bozo’s realize that Galactica was an anomily for them!

they bought Stargate SG-1, it was not original to them.
Atlantis was OK but thats it.
They tried to Kill the interest in Galactica serveral times over the years with the long breaks.

their movies are AWFUL!

Not to mention the fact that they are tying in the change to Warehouse 13 which they call a “dramadey” (they have to make up words to describe their own product.)

So they have found a way to tell the core viewership of this channel to Frak off!
OK I think I just might do that.

Evidently, you can’t register or trademark ‘Sci Fi.’ Guess NBC Universal has other worries than good content.

There was some discussion about this article on twitter, so I’ll repeat some of my thots here:

The idiotic thinking in that article drives me crazy.It assumes boy geeks are anti-social losers & the girls can’t be geeks at all.

Also, Never trust a suit that says things like "which was kind of bang-on what we wanted to achieve communication-wise.”

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

In Seinfeld voice: “Who are the ad wizards who came up with this one?”

“SyFy Channel: Doing Everything We Possibly Can to Alienate Our Fan Base.”

SciFi, I love you forever for BSG, but – as Gob said – come on

Do they not watch what they air? I thought the gaming show put forward the notion that ladies could be geeks…very hot geeks mind you, but geeks nonetheless. This makes little sense.

This sort of renaming is just frakking stupid. If they want to do something with a little more sense, how about this:

NBC --> NBC 1
USA --> NBC 2
SciFi --> NBC 3
NBC Universal Sports --> NBC 4
Bravo --> NBC 5
Oxygen --> NBC 6
Telemundo --> NBC 7

And so on. MSNBC would get to keep its name since Microsoft still owns a small part of it.

With BSG wrapping up and no new Stargate, I start lacking reasons to watch Skiffy. Doctor Who remains somewhat on hiatus for now which doesn’t help either. I will say that that the Direct-to-DVD reimagining of Journey to the Center of the Earth that aired Sunday night was interesting but that was more due to cheese than anything else.

I heard a while back they were considering changing the name to “Beyond”. Not a great name either but better then “SyFy”.

Honestly, they should just change it to “The Mainstream Channel” and be done with it.

And to the bitter end I will refer to them as “Ol’Skiffy”.

suicide." -Han Solo


The Sci Fi channel execs have lost their minds.
This reminds me of those idiots who think it’s cool to spell the word “thought” as “thot”. They think they’re just so fraking cool, and hip. I can’t stand…

… oh …wait a sec.

Nevermind :o

That was Adam Sandler on SNL, not Seinfeld.

So, they are going to not target geek men with wrestling???

…to Sucky McSuckerton Channel?..oohh ot SyFy - ohm that’s MUCH better

Sometimes it’s feels like all common sense has fled the planet.
Well, good luck, they’re shooting themselves in the foot.

Why don’t they just call it “B-Movie Network”, which is the most appropriate name for it?

Really! They had a trademarkable name that was already being used. By their fans. On their own frakin’ site.


C-Movie, as in CHEAP-ASS-CGI.

The moment I saw the new name, I heard Syndrome from The Incredibles in my head.

“Lame! Lame! Lame! Lame! Lame!!”

I hate the change in the name, but, actually it’s an easy way to for us to differentiate between the cool classic SciFi channel, and the new, campy, crappy SyFy.

I can remember a golden age, where we had actualy great programming such as New BSG, Eureka, Stargate, Stargate Atlantis, and Farscape, reruns of classic scifi, such as old BSG and Babylon 5,and even a decent movie once in a while.

Fast forward to today, BSG is one episode from completeness. Every Saturday night is another campy crappy cheap plot horror-scifi abomination, and reality TV is roaring towards us whether we like it or not. I’m not at all sure I’ll tune into SyFy after Friday night. I bet a lot of us will do just the same…

You know, when I say SciFi, I pronounce it ‘SyFy’ not Skiffy.
So now everyone will think I’m talking about this new SYFY thing?


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