Sci-Fi Channel to change its name

Maybe the new…thing…can be pronounced as “CIE-fie”, with “SCI-fie” being the old “lost” network.

io9 came up with a great list of other names that SyFy can change their names to

It’s been two days, and I still can’t get my head around SciFi Channel being renamed “SyFy” (I mean, it’s the same name! Just spelled stupidly!). Then I considered other alternatives.

I’ll admit; I’m not really convinced exactly how misspelling “sci fi” is supposed to actually count as a name change for the network, never mind reach beyond the channel’s current demographic to their prized aim of more female viewers. But just in case “SyFy” doesn’t stick for whatever reason, we came up with 25 other suggestions that are… well, just as bad, really.

  1. The Sci-Fi, But That’s Not A Bad Thing Channel
  2. The We Don’t Have Cooties Channel
  3. Being A Broadcast Network That Specializes In Pictorial Representations Of A Technical and Supernatural Nature
  4. Sci-Fi Except For All That Wrestling Channel
  5. Networkico Fantastico
  6. Definitely Not Sci-Fi, No Way, Channel
  7. Sci-Fi, What’s That Channel
  8. All Grace Park All The Time Channel
  9. The Stargate Channel That Also Shows Star Trek Sometimes, But Never An Episode That You Want To Watch
  10. The Why Isn’t Battlestar Galactica On Anymore Channel
  11. Hi-Fi Sci-Fi
  12. Sci-Fi Schmi-Fi
  13. Psy-Fy
  14. Saturday Night Fish-Fi
  15. Zzzzzzzzzy-Phy
  16. Semper Fi
  17. Si-Fi
  18. Simon-Fi
  19. Simon & Simon
  20. The Rockford Files
  21. Android’s Dungeon TV
  22. We’re Worried That You’re Still In Your Mom’s Basement Because That’s Not Really The Demographic We’re Looking For Channel
  23. Would It Kill You To Wear A Button-Down Shirt Once In Awhile Channel
  24. The Look, Just Fuck Off Geeks, We Don’t Want Your Kind Round Here Network
  25. The Ladies, It’s Okay, Don’t Let The Robots Scare You Off Channel
  26. Well, At Least We Didn’t Call It SyFy
  27. The Mansquito And Proud Of It Channel
  28. Joss Whedon’s Natural Home If He’d Only Realize It

I have to say guys - the only reason I watch Skiffy to begin with is BSG. Once the show ends I cannot imagine ever watching the network again. SciFi, syfy - doesn’t really matter to me.

I understand Eureka is coming back.

I watch Eureka and I will watch Caprica…And i’ll give other shows a chance. I still wont watch a Sci Fi original movie however.

I never was able to get into Eureka (though my mom loves it). And I forgot about Caprica. Of course I’ll watch that.

just saying - don’t watch Skiffy unless it’s a RDM show.

Just to get my two cents (and another post count bump) in:

Exactly WHAT demographic are they going for with their current programming? Do they think the F-movies (can’t even rate them as good as “B”) and the silly shows they keep spinning out are attracting intelligent, mainstream viewers? If they want the “cool kids” to join their party, they should write decent stories that challenge people’s imaginations and intellects, and, I don’t know, market them with some degree of competence. Don’t water down the craaaap you already have in hopes that you can fool more people into drinking it.


And really, what the $*&% does “SyFy” stand for? Nothing. “It means frak,” to quote a character on a really well-written SCI-FI show. And the network whose name stands for nothing will come to nothing.

[dunks head in cold water]

For a day or two after the announcement, Urban Dictionary (dotCom) had a page listing it as slang for siphilis. :smiley:

Sadly, they seem to have taken it down.


ETA: My bad. It’s still up. (I’m so used to “Skiffy” that I typed “Skyfy.”)

The first entry on Urban Dictionary is this:

New phonetic spelling for the Sci Fi channel. This is so people texting about their favorite programs on the channel will not have to unnecessarily overtax their brains or thumbs.


#16 on io9’s list should be “Semper frakkin’ fi.” but wait, that wouldn’t work, because then it wouldn’t be stupid. :wink:

Wow that guy is a Douche, he just insulted all his listeners (as few as they are) Sci Fi not cool enough on what planet does he lives on?

Oh no the channel is named sci-fi lets not go there. OH its named Syfy, hum sounds dumb lets not go there either.

This channel will fail, because that Ahole forgot one major thing, every sci fi fan will have read his stupid commentary before the end of the week. And I wouldn’t be surprised to see boycoting movements against the station start soon.

Even if Sci-fi fans don’t always see eye to eye on what they like, they will group up against that guy.

Didn’t he heard that Nerd is cool now. You don’t have to be a guy living in his parent basement to enjoy sci-fi. We pretty much dominate the world now.

I will change my signature just for them.

I hope Space in Canada stays the same and don’t change to something horrible.

It’s like when they do a alternative music station after 3 months its as worse as the pop one. Why they try ?

This deserves a

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Are we having a tirade in here? Oh good:

And that is this bonehead exec’s problem. I obviously don’t know about you specifically, missmuffet… but there are prolly tons of BSG fans out there that never in a million years imagined that they would be watching and enjoying science fiction… and BSG introduced them to what really good, spine-glowing scifi is. When those people now go off to watch “real-world” fiction, they’ll tell their friends that it’s not all space opera. And when Skiffy decides in eleventy billion years to put on another good show, those people will be drawn back… along with more of their friends.

This is how you change the image of your channel, Bonehead Exec. You don’t even know the kind of loyalty you could be commanding. It doesn’t matter how much disposable income the younger crowd has… it’s about getting them to spend it on you. I own prolly $200-$300 dollars worth of BSG merchandise (DVD’s, t-shirts, shtuff)… money I could have spent elsewhere-- but I enjoy the show, and the swag makes me happy, and I RECOGNIZE THE IMPORTANCE OF MONETARILY DEMONSTRATING MY LOYALTY TO THE SHOW, YOU IMBECILE. I INTENTIONALLY SPEND MONEY ON SHOWS THAT I LIKE. You think 18 year old burger jockeys making $9 bucks/hr are thinking about that? They’re too busy downloading your sh1t for free on some frakin torrent site.

I really like the screw you, frak you definition from urban dictionary. As in scifi fans, screw you, frak you.

The truly pathetic thing is, as insulting as he was, he was telling the real and whole truth. They are absolutely trying to distance themselves from science fiction programming of any kind so that one day soon, with the new Stargate: Universe taking a page from the BSG notebook, Eureka and Warehouse 13 going for a mixed audience combining tons of so-called “mainstream” elements and the Saturday night original movies have always been some sort of “grindhouse” homage which apparently make just enough money to continue to be worth it.

Like it or not, the channel has been going more mainstream for a few years now, this is just the final nail in the true genre network coffin.

I made a comment during one of the last Talkshoe events, and I’ll just repeat it here.

If Sci Fi channel would actually play some good Sci Fi movies and shows, I wouldn’t care what they called themselves. And there are a lot of good Sci Fi movies and shows that have been done over the years, and they could even show some of the bad ones, and make a few more like BSG as the headliners for the channel. But instead they make a lot of C-grade movies, and are trying to go more “main stream”. So instead of showing their difference from other channels, the name change is just another symptom of people that just don’t get what Sci Fi is.

</rant off>

Like it or not, the channel has been going more mainstream for a few years now, this is just the final nail in the true genre network coffin.

Yes, however did they have to insult their fans outright in the press release?

So does ths mean we have to drop the “k” from “Skiffy” when we’re talking about the channel in a derogatory or critical manner (ie, almost every time it’s relevant to conversation)? Man, and I thot the word “skiffy” sounded vaguely venereal disease-ish as it was…

I’m going with “syphi” now. As in “syphilis.”