Sanctuary 2x07 Veritas

Friday, 20 November 2009
10 PM Eastern/Pacific

Will has emo vampire hair.

Or maybe it’s just me…

Aw man, who killed the Big guy?

I wonder if he sparkles like diamonds in the sun. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gotta wonder what they’re thinking with his looks this season. He’s had a different one in each episode, and none of them really suit him.

What was wrong with how he looked last season?

Helen Magnus, apparently. :eek:

The Haitian from Heroes cross-overed?

Does this mean Druitt will take over as a main now?

The Articles looks like the Constitution. Wonder if it had the same authors. hehe

Can’t they ask her for the codes?

The cynical yet experienced sci-fi viewer in me thinks that this development is caused by Christopher Heyerdahl having a bad reaction to the prosthetic appliances and/or makeup.

Out with the old, in with the new. So fickle.

How could Magnus do this? It ain’t Magnus.

Freaky eyeballs. That ought to catch on.


Um, is it too obvious that it’s the guest star of the week?

Erica Cerra


I had similar suspicions.

Is anyone planning on watching ‘Alice’?

Who is to say the telepaths aren’t compromised.

Where’s Bester?

Not on purpose…

I’m going to go with someone set up Magnus and the big guy is really dead. Isn’t Amanda Tapping an Executive producer? If she goes they show would probably go too…