Red Dwarf help needed

So I put little Solai down to bed last night and I excitedly ran downstairs to pop in my recent arrival from Netflix: Red Dwarf Season 1. I poured myself a beer, made myself a sandwich and sat down…

…only to be miserably bored. And concerned.

I didn’t find Lister funny, I found him wildly irritating. I find having a character with a giant H stuck on his forehead distracting. Halfway through I did something I never do…I simply turned it off.

I know this is beloved by many…so my question is: What am I missing?


I thot the same thing when I started watching Season One. But I enjoy torturing myself so I sat through it. Anyway to paraphrase Monty Python, “It gets bettah” IMO, the series spoofs on sci-fi similiar to what Douglas Adams did with Hitchhikers.

Give it some time, perhaps some uber Dwarf fans could help out with iconic episodes. For example as a Trek fan, I wouldn’t tell someone who’d never seen the show to watch ‘Spock’s Brain’ off the bat. Instead, I’d offer ‘City on the Edge of Forever’.

It gets much better Solai. I personally love season 1 it has some of my favorite shows. But Seasons 2 thru 5 are the best. Once they get Kryton…(well the second Kryton) the show becomes much more rounded.

But there is the possibility that its not for you. I hope thats not the case. Maybe its worth giving it another watch.

Solai, I feel your pain. My first exposure to the ''Dwarf was when I was working late nights as a board op at a radio station. There was a TV in the studio, which we were supposed to keep pointed at the Weather Channel. Yeah, right: that little TV kept me from going insane while waiting to push buttons a couple of times an hour. (Later I got into production work, which was a lot more interesting.)

On earlier shifts – after my little one-hour of playing live music – I’d watch three episodes a night of Wings. But when I did the midnight-six shift, I always ended up catching an episode of 'Dwarf on PBS at midnight. At the time I thought, “What a bunch of crap.” But hey, it beat the hell out of staring at the console trying not to drool and waiting for the crazy drunk dude to make his weekly call from the pay phone outside the bus station to find out where he is.

I liken it to Flying Circus. The first dozen eps I saw as a kid confused the hell out of me. I couldn’t understand everyone, and most of the jokes didn’t make sense to me. But after a while you develop a taste for it. Then you start craving it.

But a few things that might help:
[li]Lister is supposed to be annoying. The show’s premise is pretty much that due to a stupid accident, the last remaining human being is this putz who doesn’t give a damn about anything but curry, lager, and f***ing off.[/li][li]The H-on-the-head is totally indicative of the show’s tone. It’s cheesy. It’s low budget. If you watch 'Dwarf expecting a polished, modern comedy, you’ll be instantly disappointed. It’s this rawness that draws most of the hardcore fans. Hell, many people – including more than a few in the forum – dislike the late seasons because they’re more polished. Personally, I like ‘em all.[/li][li]Like many cult comedies, the characters’ relationships make the show. Hence, the early episodes seem drier than later ones. Of course, watching from the beginning lets you understand the story and gives you a deeper enjoyment of the later eps.[/ul]That said, if you’re not in the same mode to watch something you don’t get and don’t understand until it sinks in on the off chance it might be fun – like you (and I) were as kids with a ton of time on our hands, maybe you’d be better served by hitting some highlight eps instead of just watching from the start.[/li]
I’ll see if I can’t put a list together for you.

I admit it took me awhile to really get into Dwarf… it’s still not my favorite thing ever, but it certainly was amusing. Once you get to know the characters better it’s much funnier.

Rather than waiting for the DVDs, I actually breezed through most of the run on the watch instantly function of Netflix… though I did have to get the DVDs for some of the later seasons.

But I would counsel patience. And if you need to watch something that is just hilariously fall off the couch funny, Fawlty Towers. That’s on watch instantly, too. :slight_smile:

Hey, are you talking about my wife?

No, I agree with everything said before Solai. It can take awhile to get going and can be a bit dry at times. But for me its actually one of those shows that gets funnier with re-watches.

This is somewhat embarrassing, but I sometimes watch the DVDs with the English subtitles for the hearing (or accented) impaired. Clearly some references are meant solely for a British audience, but most translates. The one annoying thing it that sometimes the subtitles precede the delivery which tends to spoil the joke.

I hope you give it time to grow on you…

…much like the fungus in Lister’s socks…

A couple of things to say here.

Firstly I funny the funniest comedies are those which you grow to love not those which you find funny immediately. The first time I saw Monty Python and the Holy Grail I didn’t get it, but somehow I ended up watching it again as nothing else was on, and it started to grow on me. Now it’s one of my favourite films of all time. There are a couple of other examples I can think of where it’s taken me a while to get my head round the show but when I have it’s just like one big in-joke.

Secondly, the later seasons of Red Dwarf have more mass appeal and are easier to get into. Try this, and see what you think, it’s the first part of one of my favourite episodes from a later season:


Quick update:

I redoubled my efforts and started watching again. I can’t explain what is different this time around but I am finding this very funny, incrementally so. I have finished season 1 and am starting season 2. I can’t wait to get to season 3 where everyone says things get much better…but right now, I am finding season 1 and 2 great!

It got better cause the show gets better and you get in the mindset to enjoy it

I didn’t get all the “curry” or “chicken vindaloo” comments/jokes until I went on a vacation to England. lol.

I am rewatching all my DVD’s trying to pull up essiental episodes and its so hard to choose. If it came down to it i would recommend picking it up in the Third Season. That is when they got the good Kryten and the series really picked up then. Put season one and two had some awesome episodes as well…so hard to pick…ill really try to pick out a good list…

I got into it as a kid on PBS, and it still makes me giggle.

One of my favorites:

Thanks for the Memory

That is so funny…I was just coming here to say that my favorite episode was Thanks for the Memory…

GMTA! :wink:

My summary as I hit the halfway point in Polymorph:

I hear the producers of the show screaming, “WE GOT CASH! WOOT!” New sets, new costumes, new actors, new effects…it is kind of startling.

Jury is still out on Kryton for me. I liked his introduction, but his new incarnation is not doing it for me.

As a reminder…please don’t spoil this for me…I know it is easy to let something slip that happens in an episode, or in next season (or two or three). I considered not even mentioning anything here as I know conversation will start and eventually will let something slip.

Oh well. I trust you. Let the games begin.

Solai, Red Dwarf is never, ever about spoilers. Spoilers apply to shows where there’s an ongoing plot. Beware, I’m going to spoil eight full seasons of 'Dwarf for you:

They screw around. Lister eats curry and drinks beer. The Cat preens. Goal post head is annoying. Lister jump starts the second universe with Starbug and jump leads. Ok, maybe not. But still, he eats a lot of curry. And drinks a lot of beer.


Craaaaaaaaap. Chuck. You smeghead! :stuck_out_tongue:

I know. I was thinking along the lines of Armando with his “losing his Firefly virginity” thread where we all are enjoying the process with him as he walks through it.

I simply fear someone saying in response to something I write, “Oh, don’t worry, Kryton dies in three episodes”

Perhaps to be safe I simply avoid this thread all together until I am complete.

Yeah, that’d be way better than sharing with your friends. Red Dwarf is sorta like a [strike]bottle of good red wine[/strike] s***load of free beer: far better with friends.

Seriously, I’m telling you right now: there are no spoilers for Red Dwarf. I could tell you every single thing that happens in every episode and it wouldn’t affect your enjoyment a single whit. Very, very little changes throughout the run, and what does change isn’t dramatic – it’s generally just funny as hell.

Think of it like, say, Monty Python. You likely knew most of the anecdotes in the Grail long before you saw it. Imagine how little difference knowing, for example, that the black knight loses (“It’s just a flesh wound!”) would have on your viewing experience.

What happens in Red Dwarf just isn’t that important. It’s how it happens, and why it happens that makes it side-splitting.

Relax, man. Put the see-no-evil hands down and step back from the sound-proof room. Save all that for BSG. And maybe Lost. Maybe.

Update: And I never thought I’d ever meet anyone that liked early Kryten more than later Kryten. I’ll admit that Kryten is better than no Kryten, but the later Kryten really comes into his own and is easily as strong a character as the rest.

See, now you are just messing with me. But I hear you loud and clear my friend. You will, as Lister would say, “get a laugh” out of the fact I inadvertently saw the DVD cover of Season 7 and got angry. Not even sure anything was shifted or spoiled…

…but you know the drill. Solai is to spoilers as Chuck is to prequels. Now I am off to watch Bodyswap and go to bed.

Glad to hear you’ve got your head around the show Solai.

The way people enjoy shows varies as much as individual senses of humour, so no spoilers for me.

For extra fun, see how many catchphrases from the podcasts you can spot as you watch the episodes.