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Well I don’t have stats to back me up. But dude made unbreakable possibly the best superhero movie ever, and signs a great character piece, I know people aren’t fond of of his other work. But those two are enough for me. Besides avatar wasn’t that bad

I did like Unbreakable, but I dunno about best ever. Then again, I can’t exactly think of a… Well, The Dark Knight was better…

Dark knight was great, but Unbreakable. Still gives me shivers after many viewings. Guess its just me loving the what if superhero’s were real.

I was not a fan of Unbreakable, other than the “what if” parts. The story itself was kinda boring to me. Signs I actually really hated. I somehow sat through all of Lady in the Water but that was bad too.

I was lucky enough to see Sixth Sense not only without knowing the trick, but without knowing there WAS a trick.

I have no desire to see another of his movies. He can keep making them so long as people will pay him, and if people like it, that’s fine by me. I have plenty of other stuff to watch.

And as far as Superhero movies are concerned, Iron Man and Dark Knight are easily at the top of a long list of movies that are better than Unbreakable :slight_smile:

I wanna jump in here with some unbreakable love too. Willis carries off the reluctant hero realising his destiny well. Jackson as the driven (though clearly mad) force trying to find him in the most abhorrent way, yet convinced of his own moral imperative, was excellent too.


Enjoyed Sixth Sense, really liked Unbreakable, LOVED Signs…anything after that…as Rev. Sean saus “Just couldnt get there from here”.

But yeah, I’m kinda done being burned by him

I switched from Signs in the middle of a cable broadcast and I didn’t find Last Airbender to be “that bad.” So, he has two more chances with me. d:

I do feel burned by Michael Bay for his changes to Transformers though. But, that’s another story.

There were things I liked about Signs, it had a lot of great build up but when the aliens couldn’t even get through doors. They became much less scary, and the whole thing with water being toxic to them imploded the film for me, it was just SO silly! A life form for which the single most common element in the universe is poisonous? WTF?

They chose to invade a planet that is 75% covered by a liquid that is deadly to them? And as if that is not enough of an incentive for them to not invade us it also RAINS too, it was just so absurd.

And as for the profits from The Last Airbender, I think that says far more about the series fan base than it does about M Night as a director. If the film had been any good the profits would easily have been double what it pulled in.

Six Sense was genius, and for me The Village really worked. Unbreakable was a very interesting take on the superhero genre. I like his visual style and he has some very interesting ideas, but sometimes they just never quite came together right. He reminds me of Stephen King in some ways, he will come up with a really good story concept and put it to paper. But about halfway through the story he will suddenly realize he does not have a resolution for the story and goes, “Oh shit! Now what do I do?”:smiley: And so the story loses momentum and will either fall apart or wander off in a very oblique and unsatisfying direction. But that is what often happens to a ‘Discovery Writer’, and why they usually have many rewrites; sorry I am rambling.

And again, this is only my opinion. Art is objective and if you find something of value in his films then by all means enjoy them, personally I find many of his later films frustrating, so much so I finally stopped seeing them.

"New Netflix Competitor, Zediva, Brings Unique Twist To DVD “Rental” "

"There’s a new Netflix in town, and it’s called Zediva. After a year in beta, the service is now live to the public. DVD rentals are only $1 each in many cases (though some cost more) and Zediva can deliver movies as soon as the title goes on sale to the public–while Netflix typically has to wait a month or longer before they can carry a film.

Not a bad way to make a splash in an already-crowded field of competitors, is it? Offer the same service as Netflix, but for less cost to the consumer and with no limitations on release date windows."


“Here’s how it works: Zediva buys DVDs in the stores on the day they’re released, just like the average consumer would. Then they go back to their data center, which is teeming with DVD players. When you order a film, it actually is literally played back through one of the many DVD players in the data center, and you have all the standard DVD controls at your fingertips through the computer–pause, chapter select, special features, etc.”

My question is can I use the special features to watch closed captions or subtitles? That is the only thing keeping me from subscribing to Netflix.

Edit: The answer is yes! Going on the waiting list now!!

And they’re already being sued.

Honestly, I was frakkin’ surprised not reading them already being sued in the article I linked. Still, I’m on their waiting list now. But, I doubt they’ll “win” against the MPAA. And, I wonder whether the MPAA will go after their customers proclaiming DCMA violations… ): That’s a scary and not so incredible thought.

Wouldn’t be an issue if Netflix offered subtitle options on all of their titles…

Utah news reports that collecting/using rainwater is ILLEGAL



Huh? What? Wait…


Not so fast. There’s offline caselaw almost directly on point. It’s not so good for Zediva. In Columbia Pictures Industries v. Redd Horne, for example, the defendant was a video store named Maxwell’s. It rented videotapes to customers, along with private 4’x6’ exhibition booths in the rear of the store. You’d rent a tape and reserve a room, buy some popcorn, and go take a seat in the booth. ($5.00, plus $1.00 for each additional person.) Then, a Maxwell’s employee would put the tape in a VCR connected to your booth, hit play, and the movie would show up on the TV in your booth.

The court in Redd Horne had no difficulty finding that this was a public performance that the movie-studio copyright owners had every right to prohibit …

Not looking good…

well, that would mean I could do that because when we bought our house here in Utah, we got water rights with the property. Yea win!

The Hobbit is going to be shot at a higher frame rate which is the ossim! The downside is most theaters will not be able to show it at said frame rate… But it will most likely be released on DVD at the higher frame rate, for more info read the article at the link-


Watch the animated prequel to Priest at the link-


We know that Vin Diesel plays AD&D, but he also plays WoW.



My cheeks hurt from smiling.

Mortal Kombat Legacy (web series) begins April 12, catch the teaser trailer at the link-


What a top bloke…


Brandon Lee will always be in my mind with this franchise