Random news

I heard that they’ll dig up an ancient starship. While bringing the artifact back to life, they will be set upon by marauding robots that will metamorphose into vehicles and will narrowly escape by taking flight in the rebuilt ship. Finding themselves pursued by the shapeshifting automatons, young LaBeuf’s character will discover that the relic they’re riding in is equipped with two energy weapon turrets and will employ one of them to fire back against their chasers.

Somehow, their slightly unsymmetric ship will stay together during the chase until they are able to hide in an asteroid cave…

But the cave will turn out to be a giant space slug!:eek:

You heard the same rumor! Yes, and they will barely escape it’s closing jaws by putting the almost disc-like ship sideways so it slides between the monster’s teeth.

Coming out of the asteroid field, they’ll encounter the transmogrifying robot fleet! You’ll never guess how they elude the massive battlewagons that threaten to overpower them, it’s quite clever.

Do they cling to the side of one of the massive ships? and then float away when they eject their garbage??:stuck_out_tongue:

Cuz no ship that small has a cloaking device

You guessed! We must both date the same drunk studio executive with the big mouth that can’t keep from blabbing all about the projects she’s working on.

On a serious note I am hoping they learned their lesson from the last movie and return to the supernatural. Maybe they will do the Spear of Destiny or something…

The old rumor (pre Crystal-skull) was Atlantis. There’s still blood in that turnip.

i think not discovering a lost city would be a good thing for the possible Indy 5.

Uncannily accurate…


3D King Kong attraction at Universal Studios, sounds awesome!:slight_smile:


I only know of a few of Danny Elfman’s soundtracks. They don’t all sound similar do they? He has flavors like John Williams does right?

As long as they leave out the creepy, giant, man-eating insects, Ok!

Andy Serkis has been out of work for awhile anyway. d:

Btw, what is he doing with that building in the picture? I pegged him more a tree hugger.

blank look

I’m not really a fan, and only see his movies once or twice.


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Almost gave this it’s own thread, but I didn’t want to seem like a spammer. Pretty cool for geeks.

Fringe renewed for a third season!!!
Looks like we’re going to get to see the war between Earth-1 and Earth-2 after all.

edited when i realized this was just about sci fi news

but okay sci fi news smallville renewed for a 10th season.

Transformers 3 wins three RAZZIE awards, Battlefeild Earth wins ‘Worst film of the Decade’!:smiley:

For more see-


A really cool D&D gaming room-


You make broken links just to irk me don’t you? ^^

technical correctness OCDTransformers 2… The decade isn’t over until 2011…technical correctness OCD

I feel better now. ^^