Proof of Geek Cred...

Third season…Third season…

[Lady D shakes head incredulously]

I didn’t know people actually watched the third season on purpose. “Spock’s Brain”, “Spectre of the Gun”, “For the World is Hollow…” That is some serious geek cred.

I think you’re right, Pike–we are done.

It was The cage.

We’re old skool.

frakkintalos wins.

Game over.

Wow. I am severely outclassed here. I guess you could count the bright green laces on my boots, left there from when I dressed as Luigi for Halloween a couple years ago. Other than that, I would site the fact that when sports or fashion comes up in conversation, I have absolutely zero to say.

Pike and 'talos, you are lucky men…

The only winning move is not to play.

I concur. I can’t get the GF to watch SciFi with me. But we watched “The Game” on Valentine’s Day, which was cool. Awesome thriller.

“The Game” starring Michael Douglas? Or “The Game” starring Wil Wheaton and Ashley Judd? Also an awesome thriller. :wink:

My geek cred is pretty un-cool compared to everyone else, but I carry around a Pez dispenser. Specifically a Starwars Pez dispenser. So for those situations where I need an ice-breaker, I just pull out either yoda, darth vader, or Chewbacca, and pez candy is offered.

Well in that case, if you know any single women who are around 27, tell them there is a big-nosed Polack by the name of lucky—by way of New England— who has enough scars to write a book about. Sadly, I have yet to find a woman who thinks my scars are sexy.

“Didn’t your mom tell you not to accept candy from strangers?” oh yeah… classic icebreaker…

I haven’t had a Pez in years… and I haven’t seen them in stores, either…

Speaking of geek cred, I forgot to mention my yellow lab. Her name is Pegasus. As in the Battlestar Pegasus. She is very Cain like in her ruthless pursuit of pets and dog biscuits!

I love statement shirts! I have -

Smart Girls Rock
Rewire Your Thinking Pattern

And a couple of shirts I decorated on my own with the Star Wars Old Republic, Empire and New Republic logos (fabric paint and cardboard stencils). I have the logos on my gym shirts and I’ve been asked what school I came from (they look like the gym/PE shirts that schools sell for their students?)

I have BSG Season 1 and 3 on my iPod.
I have S2 on my external HD.

The poster over the door to my room has a picture of the Mos Eisley cantina that says “Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” The poster on the other side of the door has the XFiles, with “The Truth Is Out There” (Sorry Sean, I’m a big XFiles fan! :))

Fraktal, you win. The geek cred totally goes to you and Mrs Fraktal.

I get weird looks from my friends with all the geekiness. Kudos in finding The One who appreciates the obsession!

A true geek does not need to produce proof on demand.

However, I also have a scar from a cut to the bone on one of my fingers that I got while building a PC a few years ago.

I have another cut on my finger right now from my in-progress conversion of an airsoft gun into Vera.

Oh, I also have a pretty sweet scar still that I got while helping build the Viper simulator. :slight_smile:

Sheesh…I need to be more careful.

You need to get that on a t-shirt. Or maybe a poster. Hysterical!

Okay, here’s my shot at earning my Geek Cred. This is all true—frighteningly true I’m afraid.

In Junior High School my best friend and I sent away for the pattern for the old Star Trek Original series uniform. And we also sent away for the sleeve(cuff) rank insignia and the breast insignia. And our mothers bought us the velor material at the fabric shop—engineering red for me, science blue for my friend Mike. Now my friend was taknig sewing class (it was 77/78 around the first year they started letting guys take cooking class and sewing class, and girls could take wood shop and metal shop.). So he made himself—swear to god— a blue Star Fleet science uniform - Leiutenant rank (that’s one gold stripe on the cuffs). Me, I asked my mother to make me a red Star Fleet engineering uniform–Leiutenant rank.
And we put those uniform’s on and went into Boston and wore them all day walking around the Boston Museum of Science. When people stared at us we took turns pretended to fall unconscious and the other one would pretend to revive the other with a hypo-spray—(you know that thing Dr McCoy would press into your arm that would go “hiss”).

Being the reckless young trekkies that we were we actually pretended we were on a “mission” and snuck into the “no addmitance” area of the Museum—which wasn’t all that impressive in terms of seeing any cool stuff–it was just the thrill of the danger of it. We actually snuck out of the Museum out some back door and then walked back in the front entrance using our ticket stubs.

Well, that’s my best Geek Cred story. Judges, scores please?

Do you carry that picture on you?

9.6, 9.5, 10, 9.8, and 5

Damn Tellarites always vote low…

I should. It is a screen capture from the video at Paramount in Florida. Thanx for the idea.

'Tis true. The Tellarites are well known as the "Simon Cowell"s of the Federation.
Vulcans—very picky about technique and posture.
Andorians—will penalize you if you don’t bring the passion to the performance
Ferengi—Will take a bribe…Woah, wait a sec. Frengi not permitted in this bit…ST:TOS races only.

Well, you should, otherwise you can’t whip it out when you don’t have your geek card handy :stuck_out_tongue:

I too feel way outclassed, but here goes:

  1. I would direct them to my car - a plymouth voyager which, of course, has a miniature Voyager on the dashboard.

  2. I would then describe that, when I get home at night, usually after dark, I pretend that I’m powering down my viper.