Podcast Delay

This is just a quick note to let you all know that Sark (the lovely PC that handles multitrack duty for GWC and other podcasts) chose today to take a big dump. It turned out to be the motherboard, and after five or six hours of running all over town Sean and I got lucky and found an updated version of the old one.

And we got lucky again and didn’t have to completely gut the OS and re-install Pro Tools.

So the upshot of this is that Sark lives and we’re good to go again. The downside is that we’re in no mood to record a podcast tonight – unless, of course, you want to hear two hours of “f^@#ing computers, f$#ing motherboard, f$&ing everything” in which case we’ve got you completely covered.

Actually, we’re going to record tomorrow night as we would normally have tonight, and you can expect to see Podcast #103 Sunday, in plenty of time for the Monday morning drive.

Now I’m going to have a few beers.

Thank goodness you fixed it before the resurrection blew…otherwise you would have been screwed.

Glad to hear all is better. Frakking computers. :smiley:

Sark’s a PC, right?

Let me crack a beer and settle down.

OK, go.

Can’t ya have Reverend Sean lay hands on it or something? There’s always snake oil.

Well at least you were able to fix Sark with out too much trouble.

Go have beer, and I will look forward to the podcast on Sunday (well I will start listening on Monday on the way to work).

Look at it this way, now people can call in if they want.

That sucks, Chuck. Computers are frustrating. We appreciate all you do for us. You put a lot of work in to entertain us. So, he’s a thank you to you.

I will drink a Sam Adams Irish Red in your honor.

I’ll drink to that.

And that.

And that.

And that.

Ok. Room stop.

Two hours of complaining about the PC? Hmm. That’s sounds like normal chat here at home.

Hang in there. Depending upon how my work scheduling comes off for tomorrow, I’ll be helming the GWC After-Frak Party. Feel free to join in.

No complaints about the PC – its sole purpose in life is to run Pro Tools and produce podcasts, and it does that very well. But sometimes motherboards die. And sometimes they’re (thankfully) available as replacements close enough that the OS can’t tell the difference. :slight_smile:

Anyway, I suppose I don’t have a lot of room to complain. As I was smashing #103 to MP3 I noticed that Sark’s first mobo lasted through 199 separate podcasts, some 210 hours 36 minutes and 50 seconds of material. That also includes some music production – which means lots of hours of operation for just a few minutes of output.

It’s really a good computer and very effective for what it’s designed to do.

And re: PC vs. Mac, they both have their place. I have a Mac on (under) my desk and a Mac laptop, Sark is a PC, and I use my old PC laptop as a “spare processor” to do MP3 conversions and such. And I’ve crashed all of 'em. (For the uninformed, the Mac BSOD is really a “very pretty transparent SOD in lots of languages,” but it has the same affect on your work.) I avoided a Mac for audio work because I wanted to run dual monitors and the only way to effectively do that with Apple is to buy a Mac Pro. $2,700 seems like overkill when our $800 PC does the exact same job as far as Pro Tools is concerned.

Of course the more-than-$2,700 Mac Pro is on my desk, so I’m not against that, either. :slight_smile:

The only laying on of hands in fixing computers involves wrapping your hands around the handle to your sledge hammer. From there, you then imitate young Bill Adama’s intimate encounter with Larry using a pipe.

I’m glad Chuck and Sean got lucky.

Otherwise, there would have been no podcast.


I’m just waiting for them to Office Space the fried-out motherboard.

Frak it feels good to be a gangsta!

Nope, sorry GR. For the first time in my life, I suspect, someone’s made a double entendre and I can’t actually see how its dooble.

Oh yes… and thanks GWCers for not giving us two hours of ‘frakking computers’. I get to live that dream most every day, so unless it was 2 hours of vidcast of the GWC crew getting medieval on a motherboard, I’d have to pass.

(that being said, vidcast of GWCers reducing a mobo to fine particles might suit me well on a bad day for my viewing pleasure).

Really? Wow. Hey, it’s your native tongue, not mine :smiley:

get lucky i[/i]to meet someone who you can have sex with. Why don’t you come along? You never know, you might get lucky.

heh heh… you said ‘tongue’

Due to a technical issue at Libsyn, GWC Podcast #109 will be temporarily delayed. This is an issue for thousands of podcasts today and not just GWC. So rest assured that #109 is indeed complete (and already on Libsyn’s servers) just waiting for the resolution to the problem.

Chuck you’re like Batman, go fix it for them kthnx

Is this connected to Amazon S3 apparently taking a dump?

I was wondering the same thing. I’ve been trying to upload to Vimeo for the past few days with no luck. Finally read on the help forums about the Amazon3 thing and found out I wasn’t alone.

It kinda sucks. I’m trying to put my demo reel up.

So many services have things stuck on Amazon S3. It makes good business sense in most cases. Considering I have to potentially re-write a whole segment of the podcast I have to release tonight due to drop.io using S3…I am grumbly.