Podcast Delay

And Libsyn’s issue is resolved. And Podcast #109 is out! Thanks for your patience.

I apologize for delaying this week’s podcast (#124) a day, but as those on Twitter are aware, a friend came into town unexpectedly Friday, and it’s one of the few chances I’ve had to see him as he’s spent the last few years bouncing around Afghanistan and Iraq – and taking care of his four awesome kids while at home in Virginia. So I selfishly copped the time for myself and we recorded the 'cast this morning instead.

I really appreciate everyone’s patience, and I’m again sorry for the delay. :slight_smile:

Oh sure, make us wait a whole day while you waste time with some guy who can’t seem to stay put.

Selfish git.

Eh, the withdrawal was getting to some of us, but I think we all survived. :rolleyes:

No one should apologize for having friends in real life.
I had an old friend come into town as well. My weekend was crammed, so I wouldn’t have been able to listen to the 'cast anyway.
Hope you had a good time, Chuck and Co.

… is he a Ranger? Hoah~!

I was gonna guess Marine

No need to apologize :slight_smile:

Explanations are welcome, apologies are unnecessary.

I guess I just wasn’t on form that day…

Nah… black helicopter mob would be far more interesting rumouring for being associated with Chuck.

Can’t remember the name of BlackWater’s air subsiduary but they’ve got a large chequebook for choppers and now have more than British Army in AFG… will edit in a link/pic shortly.

BTW is Sark named after the guy in Alias?

Sark is a powerful program that works for the MCP in Tron.

AHH! OK…well Sark on Alias is much cuter!

The part where the kid from Oregon shows he has a believable English accent!

I’m sure there’s someone out on the internet for Tron Sark…