Podcast #100 Details

As you’ll hear in this week’s podcast, we’re planning two events to celebrate the momentous Podcast #100:

First, Podcast #100 will be a live podcast via TalkShoe, very much like the live podcast following the season premiere. Except instead of doing it Friday night – which made sense after the premiere as we had so much to talk about immediately – we’ll be kicking the 'cast off at noon central time Saturday, May 17th. Hopefully this will allow more GWCers (both in the US and abroad) to participate. And we’ll be far less sleepy this time 'round!

Next, we’re also going to spend the evening of May 17th in our favorite local bar, the Irish Rover in Frisco, TX. (If you’ve been to any Dallas meetups before, you’ll know the place. GWCers are regulars!) So, if you’re in (or can be in) the Dallas area on the 17th, you can join us at 7:30 p.m. at the 'Rover for our Podcast #100 party. Additional details will be posted to the Dallas May 17th meetup thread.

Finally, we envision Podcast #100 as a very GWCer-centric cast, celebrating the GWC community and all the great friends we’ve all made here. So if you have anything you’d like to contribute to the 'cast, drop me a line at chuck@galacticawatercooler.com.

One thing I know we’d like to include – but need your help to create – is a “highlight reel” of the past 100 podcasts. I’ve seen lots of quotes and references to funny GWC moments in GWCers signatures. If you have a moment or two, email me your favorites with their timestamp. I’ll go find 'em and cut 'em together into a reel for the show.

Thanks again to everyone for making GWC the awesome community it is, and we’ll post more here as things progress. And we hope to see all of you on the live podcast – and hopefully at the party if you can attend!

This time, i do believe i will be in the cast w00t

If ThotFullGuy doesn’t kill me first, I should be there too.

I’ve rescheduled my mani-pedi. I’m in

please dont hate me… i need a “how to” on the whole Talkshoe thing…

i’ve used iChat, AIM, and Skype before… but never Talkshoe. help.:confused:

Emily would be the go-to guy for all Talkshoe related issues.

Contact me directly and we can try to set a time where I could walk you through such things.

Does someone have the timestamp for the Wil Wheaton intro?

Finally got Talkshoe/skype figured out so I will be there. Can’t wait!

I can be on the call for the opening thirty minutes only, I fear. Work is a little hectic right now. This remains subject to change, though.

Installing the software is kind of a bitch (the trick is to go back and go through the steps again if it doesn’t seem to be working.) Using it is butt simple, especially if you’ve done the software you listed.

Which ep. was that?

Oh, I’m totally bummed I can’t listen - the one weekend I actually have something to do (as I don’t have much of a life) - I’ll be in NYC that weekend! Damn - I’ll just have to catch it after I get back. Have a great time everybody!

Depending upon the way things go at work, I may have to miss the whole thing. Work events keep shifting and that doesn’t help.

Podcast #83 - 0:25 to 0:40

For those trying to match up the kick-off to Podcast #100 and their local time, consult this tool:


That’s gonna be so handy next time the ET/CT crew crashes the PT Frak party.

At the tenth episode we have to have a major crashing or something. That would be a viable candidate for a live podcast with multiple bureaus helping the GWC Three. Everything could blend together then, I suppose. Parties should be had.

Speaking of parties, should a frak party be held in LA, Vegas, or Phoenix for the final episode of this half? If my calculation is correct, this block of ten concludes on June 6th. I can look into venues here in Las Vegas, I suppose, for those of the PT thread who want to do such.

Actually, it’s June 13th - for reasons known but to the Lords of Kobol there is no episode scheduled (as of today) for May 23rd…they’re showing a bunch of movies about fire…

THANKS EVERYBODY!! i will be contacting peeps beforehand! :slight_smile:

:D…oh yeah.