Photography - Project 365

March 31, Rainy farol

Wow, very nice. What is that?

It’s a shot from under a bus shelter - the light is the streetlight above it and there are some branches from a tree, too. Oh, and it was raining. :slight_smile:

“Farol” as in lighthouse?
Just wonderful.

very cool shot!

Ok I am to posting some pics every other week… Yea I am slacker but work got in the way again…
But here are some Pics I took at my Mothers House this past weekend. Did some far shots and got a little closer just playing around with different views.

All you need is a stuffed animal hanging half out of the wagon…

hahah I didn’t even think of that when I took this pic. too bad I dont have a stuffed Tiger and a Calvin!

Fun pictures everyone :slight_smile:

April 1, mini oil slick

April 2 (I’m an hour or so early… oh well), April is Tax Month: is it suitably dreary?

Here’s what the lilac bush is doing now with the snow gone and some sunny days. It should get blooms by the end of the month. :slight_smile:

I’m quite relieved about that lilac bush. I hate it when weather ruins the flowers!

As I’m playing catch-up…

April 3, Less than glorious tree blossoms

April 4, lines again

And these last two are two of my favorites of all the pictures I’ve taken so far this year (up there with the Obama campaign center door):

April 5, Make love not… manhole covers?

April 6, The grass is greener

Ok another Full Moon so still trying to get a cool moon shot. I tried useing my manual mode on my slr and yes I have no idea what I am doing but I think it turned out well. Here are a few of the good ones.

Not bad, not bad at all.

At a taco truck:

Nice. I like it.

damn now I am in the mood for a taco!

hmmm. tacos.

I am so behind I am not even going to put dates. New toy works and he come the pictures I have been taking but not sharing.

Dying computer counting down.

Just starting to see shuttle over the house.

Cool shuttle off and safe.

Other shuttle go shots.