Photography - Project 365

January 30

Cool shot! The angle makes you hunt around to find out what it is. Then your eyes follow line after line…

What methods are people using to convert to black and white?

I am using photoshop and have a couple plug in filters to simulate various films.

I’m using the Microsoft Picture Editor bit and changing the saturation, which has worked well enough. (I don’t have other picture editing software - spouse does, but his computer is craaaaaazy)

Love this one, but I think it’d be funnier if it was just “Labless, Please Help.”

Basic food groups…at least two or six I think.

I agree–that would no only be better, but also cause the less aware to scratch their heads and say huh?

“Labless” also has the “bless” seen in other signs…

Hey - meatloaf, chips, and Diet Coke are food groups. Aren’t they? :slight_smile:

January 30, 09

oo so you guys use software for B&W. I didnt do that challenge since I dont know how to do that yet with my SLR camera…
so next call out I might have to do that if i haven’t figured out the camera yet!

Black and white challenge 2-5
Yes, my cats seem to be my favorite subjects to photograph.

Usually, it’s easy enough. If the camera will shoot photos in B&W, just hit menu, and scroll through the options.

Hey that’s why I am doing this 365 project. I want to learn how to take nice pictures and I like seeing what other people post which gives me ideas. So far all these pictures everyone have posted has been great! I know with me its all about Luck!
casilda keep them coming and I know everyone here will be happier for it! And your pictures are soo much better then mine… anyway lets all have fun experiment with shots and this is a safe place for photography!

well with my old digital (Canon G2) and with my small point and shoot Canon SD630 I can take B&W. Now I just got a SLR and umm so out of my league and learning how to use the camera and take pics… so I was trying to read the instruction and something about white balance … and so I will get it someday or just grab the other cameras …

Thanks for the advice It probaly is an option on my SLR and I just havent found it…

My Image today.
Taken in Ocean City Maryland. I used my SLR with a circular Polarized Lens with my 18-55 lens.
I took about 50 of these shots and this is the only one that came out the clearest. Should have used a tripod. But I like it! I was on a balcony and tried to use the wall as a kinda frame for my shot.
Just trying to be a little different if I can.

I like it too, the lights are neat, and the balcony structure is a nice frame. :slight_smile:

yea the lights are cool! my other shots the lights are blurry as anything some u cant even tell what the picture was… very scary! but finally luck struck and I got this shot!

Took some sunrise pics today in OC MD. Like how the sun turned out…

Today’s pic