And I figured out how to black and white the “Change” one (though it was also kind of cool when I had the saturation at not quite black/white, the red tinge on the letters was neat, but hey, tinkering is fun!)
I am totally enamored of Beaker’s photos. I’m not sure why.
I like that conversion very much! I was playing with it yesterday. I wasn’t going to post it without your permission.
To me, it seems that fixed expression is capable of representing so many moods. Or perhaps you are also a Muppet junkie…
A little from column A, a little from column B…
a muppet junkie! Can I join ! I am also a Muppet Junkie! They rock!
I like your signature. I have a backdoor is that a good start.
I know I am behind but stupid work got in the way! and yes of course I am salary so no overtime for me…
anyway I call this snowy Tree!
January 26, 2009
Well, I missed some days. And now, when I go to take a picture, BOTH of my camera batteries are dead. :mad: Here’s what my poor camera was able to take this AM before the battery completely died!
[keanu/ WHOA/]
What are those streaks?
Batteries, smatteries… Perhaps one needs one of these:
No batteries, no meter, no autofocus, no problem!
Sadly, I only took one picture yesterday and it was a self-photo. But I don’t want to miss a day in my P365 feed so…
Jan 25 - Portrait of a Photographer as a not-so-young man
And yes, I realize I’m just a Nehru jacket away from a James Bond villain here.
Really nice light-trail effect.
Aw! When I was abroad I had my Dad’s old camera like that to take pictures - and they were awesome until the camera started getting light leaks. It was a very sad day when of three rolls of film from a trip to country-next-door, I only had four salvageable shots.
Do you still have that camera? Light seals can sometimes be an inexpensive repair. That camera may have some collector value as well. Do you recall what it was?
That happened when I moved the camera before the mostly dead battery was done taking the picture. I’m not sure I like them or not!
My parents have it - it was a Nikon I think, but I don’t remember.
Rangefinder Nikons are quite collectible. You may want to look at these sights:
Sorry for the enthusiasm. I am trying to use film more. I don’t know if I’ll print again, but I will develop and scan. But I do have a hankering for a large format glass plate camera.
Challenge 1
To make things interesting, I thought I would issue a seven day challenge for anyone who wants to participate: seven days, seven black and white photos of normal household objects. If anyone does want to participate, just post your pics! If we can get a few people to join, I will try to make a collage of them and post it.
Black and White Challenge #1
I would totally do it - except that I already took today’s picture!
I’ll see if I can start tomorrow