Is paintball a geek hobby?
I say “YES”, not only because I’m a geek (and have the test results to prove it now) and I play paintball but also because Sheldon on Big Bang Theory enjoys it. If that guy plays paintball it is hands down a geek sport.
I’ve been told though that it is NOT a geek hobby on the grounds that:
- Paintball is generally played out-doors in fresh air and sunlight.
- Paintball requires coordinated lower body movement.
- No computers or hand-held gaming devices are required.
- No instant re-spawning. (this is actually not always true in paintball)
Phooey I say. What say you?
Yes, paintball is a Geek sport.
No, paintball is NOT a Geek sport.
This is me last Saturday raining pure HELL down upon mine enemies, smiting them with furious anger and great vengeance wherever they be.
Some would say we lost the day, others would say we simply didn’t win. Still others would say we tied for second place.
I would say I shot about fifteen people and that’s good enough for me!
Now let’s see if I can get this poll thing to work…