Not seeing any Stargate Love... what's up?

Any Stargate fans out there?

I liked the movie, but the series was phenomenal. I also appreciate the effort that Stargate Atlantis is putting forth, but it is certainly not as good. The additon of Carter to the series should boost it a bit.

I watch Stargate :slight_smile:

STǺRGǺTE was amazing. I’m speaking, of course, of the movie (hence the fancy rings over the "A"s; no idea what they’re called). What’s better than a movie with Kurt Russell? A movie with Kurt Russell AND James Spader, that’s what! :smiley:

The TV series, on the other hand, never hit me in the same way as the film. I mean, I liked it and all; I’ve seen most of the episodes. But I just didn’t enjoy it in the same way. Part of why the movie was so good, in my crazy-wacky opinion, was that it wasn’t presented with the degree of campiness that the show was. I enjoyed the humor, but I would prefer to get my laughs from something in the vein of Eureka or Farscape, not something that had the potential to be as deep and dark as SG.

Actually, that’s what I love best about SG1: they are most definately not afraid to laugh at themselves. I’m not a big fan of camp, but SG1 (IMHO) manages to toe that line perfectly (excepting the century episodes, and that is totally earned.)

I’ll admit to liking it (the series) better when they brought Ben Browder and Claudia Black over from Farscape. I always found them interesting where ever they showed up. They play well together.

I greatly enjoy the movie and the series was a hit for me when it started although I kinda fell out of watching/keeping up with it about the time that O’Neil got that ship named after him. which is I think years back now but I tried to get back in it again but to see O’Neil’s character pretty much gone I stopped watching.

I am big Stargate fan and even own all seasons of Stargate SG1 and SGA on DVD. Yes some ep are Sg1 are ok then others are wow!

But still my fav ep is the Series Final of Season 7 Lost City 1 and 2!
To me once you watch those 2 I think you would be into this series quick. But it was also be like reading the ending of abook first!

I’ve watch every episode of both SG series, and I hate to say it because I love Ben and Claudia, but while it’s been on the air Atlantis has been the superior of the two series. In my opinion, at least. The Wraith are just a more dark and interesting enemy than the Go’a’uld or Ori, and they’ve made for some very interesting storylines. They dropped off the radar for a while but we did get to see some Wraith action in last week’s episode. And let’s not forget Michael’s genetic experiments, they’ll have to revisit that thread at some point.

I personally hope that Atlantis gets picked up for a few more seasons.

your ignorance brings a tear to my eye
RDA 4 eva
i mantian Tealc and Daniel are always my favroites, the only person i like more is Walter:p hes my hero

We agree to disagree, Sean. Bringing on Ben AND Claudia was a huge mistake, and the beginning of the end.

Just Ben would have been great, or just Claudia- but not both.

The first 3 or 4 seasons were phenomenal, and every season after that had 3 or 4 “classic” episodes - but seasons 9 and 10 left me wanting more.

I am a huge fan of the Stargate series. Although I’m the first to admit there were a few awful episodes. By far the best episode of SG1 was ‘Window of Oppurtunity’. Absolutly hilarious. Season 9 was awful, but they certainly upped thier game in season 10. I’m still watching Atlantis. It’s worth it just for Rodney McKay.

On a related note, has anyone seen ‘A Dog’s Breakfast’ writen and directed by David Hewlett. Quite a weird movie, a few Stargate alumni inevitabtly show up.

SG-1 fan all the way. Ignore the movie and just start at the beginning.

I am sure if you give it a little attention you guys will love.

I’ve tried to get into it when it started but, it kind of fell flat for me, but i did see some of the later SG1 episodes that were very quirky and funny all be it i had no idea what was going on, The scientist guy was brain washed/possesed by something and his friends were trying to see if they could trust him, and it was just hilarious,and perfectly acted. it went something like Jack it’s me; really: Yeh

sounds lame when i write it but it was very funny.

So maybe i’ll give it another shot.

I’m don’t like SG-1 Atlantis is ok

I’m still watching Atlantis. It’s worth it just for Rodney McKay.


I love Stargate in all its incarnations. Cant wait for Ark of Truth and Continuum…

The quality of SG-1 is comparable to any Star Trek series ever produced. Given the choice of what to watch (ST:* or SG:*)…it would probably be either SG:A or SG-1. Star Trek was always too “UN” for me.

I was thinking of starting a new thread, but this one will do. Any catch ‘The Ark of Truth’ yet. I’m not going to tell you how to you can watch it but it’s not difficult. It was quite enjoyable. The DVD format should work well for SG1

Im avoiding watching it and waiting for the dvd (end of April in the UK I believe).

I like Stargate. I guess I would just not consider it to be the best of scifi, ever. For me, it was like the Law and Order of Scifi. It’s always on,t heir is always going to be alot of it, and its a great show just to sit down and watch and dive right in.