Not seeing any Stargate Love... what's up?

I love me some Stargate. It has been my favorite for years. I can sit down and watch it anytime. The Richard Dean Anderson era was the best for the comedy.
Don’t get me wrong, BSG and Firefly are pound for pound better but sometimes you have to be in the mood for it. Especially the more heavy of the BSG.

I like Stargate. The first five seasons of SG1 are really the best Stargate there will ever be. Seasons 6 and 7 were pretty good as well. I think season 8 was mostly filler content. I didn’t really like or get into 9 or 10. I don’t really like the idea of the Ori. I recently watched the Ark of Truth hoping to like it, but I didn’t. I never got into Atlantis very much either.

I’ve been a Stargate fan since it first came out:D I liked the movie, SG1, SGA and i like what i’ve seen from the first 3 SGU episodes. I think the new direction they’ve taken the show is a good one and have high hopes for its future.