New Caprica clip on Sci Fi Wire

interesting. different. strange. not quite sure what to think… wondering what other people will think

it also says they’ll be putting out clips from the upcoming galactica episodes tomorrow.

What I found interesting were the comments on the page. 4 of the comments were, “BSG fans will not like this.” What!?! Does that even make any sense?

It looks very interesting. I couldn’t help thinking of Marty Mcfly while watching Stoltz’s performance. “You built a brothel…out of a Deloran.”

Interesting, quite interesting.

Nifty. Can I sign up for it now? The show, I mean. Not the cyber club. Well, OK, since I’m there, sign me up for the cyber club too.

Welcome to the fleet, Chintzy Beatnik.

Wow – this clip makes the show seem interesting. Sure, it won’t fill the same space as BSG, but it might be entertaining and fun in its own right.

And they’re totally right: if someone invented a holodeck, this is exactly what it’d be used for. Damn.

Does he say holodeck? I thot so but I was like…Nah! they wouldn’t…well why not? In any case, alrighty then.

Sounds more like “holodance.” Maybe that’s the name of the ‘club?’

I went back a few times and it could be either. I can’t make it out. NEED SUBTITLES!

Thanks. :slight_smile:

I’ll echo the interesting response.

One True God?! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…

Your right Chuck…

And I may call in about this but am I the only one who saw that and went "I SOO want to do that??

Maybe BSG has twisted me…

Hey glad to hear you guys will be sticking around “forever” :slight_smile:

Any chance you guys will cover Caprica?

Are the men all wearing those hats and coats that make them look like Jack Abramoff during his trial for being a corrupt lobbyist?

is very lost

Wow, this looks really crazy. It could turn turn out well. It could not. We shall see.

Nope, it’s “holoband,” as in like a headband that you wear rather than a room you walk into.

It’s what now?

I enjoyed that! How could BSG fans not like that? That’s what BSG gave us with every single good, non-filler, episode, moral quandry and genuine drama, not some manufactured drama from an asympathetic issue. That’s where this site excels, it’s populated by intelligent people, not idiot fanboys, as you can obviously see from that comment.

Looks pretty good. I look forward to seeing it I just wish it were airing sooner. I don’t want to have to go a whole year without BSG-verse.

Welcome to the same scenario I, and my fellow enthusiasts, deal with now that Stargate Atlantis has ended. At least we’re getting something BSG-related and nothing at all.