Matrix: Revolutions Re-Watch

If things were left to there own devices, thing here would be too vanilla. IYKWIN
You are the hot fudge and sprinkles to add flavor. GR is around to mop things up so they don’t get too sticky (or is that Solai’s job).:smiley:

You have to admit that this a pretty kickass action scene. I’d go as far as saying that this beats some of the cgi battles in PT Star Wars.

A hot fudge pretty hair sundae?

Robot thingy? I don’t remember that at all.

I’m not even sure I can actually consider this a rewatch. :stuck_out_tongue:

Absolutely 0%. Just to make that clear.

And wow I’m distracted… so what are these gates they’re speaking of? and who isn’t dead yet? :stuck_out_tongue:

And ok that scene with the kid, made me think of LOTR with Eowyn killing the Witch-King of Angmar… anyone?

::crickets chirping::

yeah, yeah, whatever…

Yeah, everyone from Firefly who appeared in later Whedonverse shows were unstoppable killing machines. Strike them down, and they become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. :smiley:

It’s even better in HD.

At the end when The Source asks Neo to destroy Smith. Big bot takes Neo and plugs him into the Matrix. Ring a bell?

The worst part is when you KNOW you’ve seen it, but you just can’t remember…

Always best to start the orgy after the viral infection clears up. :smiley:

Hey, haven’t you figured it out yet? I’m 50% hotness, 50% hot air.

How are we to know if that 50% hotness is actually part of the hot air? :rolleyes:

Why The hell does Niobi’s Ex remind me of Barack Obama?

I think you’ve seriously underestimated GR’s role in the devanillation of the forum. If I’m the hot fudge and sprinkles, he’s the gummy bears and caramel sauce. And yeah, Solai’s manning the mop, while Pike wipes the counters.

Why do I suddenly really crave ice cream? :stuck_out_tongue:

The moment when they’re above the clouds, and Trinity just says, “beautiful,” that’s just awesomeness.

More hairy candy. I’m detecting a theme. :smiley:

Like OMG Trinity is dead. You medevil dickweeds!!

I can see that. That was one of my favorite scenes in LotR, BTW. :slight_smile:

Not even remotely. :frowning:

OMG me too…