Matrix Re-watch

Hope you feel better Lucky.

Apparently they sent out some in the afternoon. Mine were not among them. :frowning:

Lot of liked the first, but did not care for the next two on this thread. I enjoy the series, but I can understand why people would enjoy the first and then not the rest.

I think part of the problem is the first movie had a lot of mystery to it. The Matrix universe and concepts were new ideas to some and for people like me, I felt like well executed creations of ideas that have been floating around for many years. The styling of the film caught the attention of many.

I have a feeling the success of the first Matrix made studio execs take a hands off approach to the making of the next two films. This may have given to much freedom and not enough tweaking of scripts. Once you make money for the studios, it seems like they fear ticking off the golden goose, so they give great freedom to those artists. Thus why we have bombs like Speed Racer and Indiana Jones 4. I know Indy 4 made good money, but if a nobody like me wrote that script, it would have been sent through a process with producers and other writers grinding the scripts down and rebuilding it. In the end, I think many of the scenes if not the whole concept of Indy 4 would have been changed. When it comes to the Matrix 2 & 3, those scripts probably did not get reviewed and revised the way it should have.

I do think the Wachoski brothers were trying to tell to big of a story and may have also been distracted by trying to make the movies as well as be involved in the video games and the anime projects. It is always easy to say what should have been done or should not have been done after it is done. It will be interesting to see if the Wachoski brothers ever make another movie that connects with main stream audiences again.

Enough of my ramblings.

Hey folks just got back from going to see Clone Wars. Anyone else still up for the re-watch?

Doesn’t look like many people are on. Maybe push the time back?

Don’t you dare. I’m finally on time for a change. :slight_smile:

ok I’l start up then.

Entering the Matrix…

I’m joking, of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just started too…

I remember watching this for the first time and just having my mind blown here.

lol Well two is better than talking to yourself.

“No, lieutenant, your men are already dead.” :eek:

I came to The Matrix after it hit Theaters. I won the vid. at a X-mas party for work.

I don’t care what Sean says. I like the bondage. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just remember, WTF is going on???

I always like the wire jumping effects.

how far in are you guys?

Me too. :slight_smile:

You’re ahead of me. Neo just woke up.



Knock at the door.