Lost 6x12 Everybody Loves Hugo

Tuesday, 13 April 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Wish y’all a lotta fun.

I can’t participate, cause I’ve got a veeeery early test tomorrow and have to go to sleep now. :frowning:

I’ve been really looking forward to this episode. I love Hurley episodes.

SUPER excited. Soon Soon Soon!

Yeah I know, the suspense is killing me! Which dance couple will be the one to go home this week? :smiley:

Hugo Reyes, this is your life! :smiley:

LOL!! Best slideshow ever!

Be a beacon. :stuck_out_tongue:

OMGs, are they bringing Libby back??? :eek:

I have a feeling that i will be crying at the end of this episode

Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?

Lol! I have been home sick, and actually watched that last night. It’s so awful.

Close … :slight_smile:

“What are you doing here”


Michael’s still a jerk, even beyond the grave.

Owner of the lonely heart, much better than the owner of a broken heart. :stuck_out_tongue:

You speak from a spoilery place?

My first episodic frak party! Hi, guys.

Libby!!! :smiley:




YAY!!! She is back and not dead. I Heart you Libby!!!