Lost 6x12 Everybody Loves Hugo

Welcome aboard! :slight_smile:

Libby looks a bit rough though.

Does Hurley look a bit thinner to anyone else…off Island i mean?

I like how they sneak in ‘crazy’ into this date. Makes me think of Barney’s “crazy/hot” graph.

And man, I want some good Mexican food now.

Poor Hurley! He doesn’t remember her.

Still crazy, after all these years.

It seems like a night for song lyrics. :slight_smile:

OMG! She got Arzted!!!

Holy Shit she just got Artzed!!!

Arzt!!! ARRRRRRRZZZTTT!!! :smiley:

Crazy perfect hivemind

Holy CRAP!

Ha! I love Locke’s contempt for Kate. :smiley:

Which closely resembles my contempt for Kate.

Hurley Found the Diamonds!!!

Something bad always happens on this show when the violin music gets all ominous and swoopy.

Hear hear! :smiley:

Yay, Desmond! What’s he gonna do?

Mr. Cluck’s! I have a weird desire to see Jin in that chicken costume again.

So I hope Desmond is going to appear in peoples flashsideways

Well someone clearly hasn’t been watching the “Lost Untangled” episodes for this season :slight_smile:

You mean other than Ilana Artzt

That i did not see coming!!! Holy Frak that was amazing!