Welcome aboard!
Libby looks a bit rough though.
Does Hurley look a bit thinner to anyone else…off Island i mean?
I like how they sneak in ‘crazy’ into this date. Makes me think of Barney’s “crazy/hot” graph.
And man, I want some good Mexican food now.
Poor Hurley! He doesn’t remember her.
Still crazy, after all these years.
It seems like a night for song lyrics.
OMG! She got Arzted!!!
Holy Shit she just got Artzed!!!
Crazy perfect hivemind
Holy CRAP!
Ha! I love Locke’s contempt for Kate.
Which closely resembles my contempt for Kate.
Hurley Found the Diamonds!!!
Something bad always happens on this show when the violin music gets all ominous and swoopy.
Hear hear!
Yay, Desmond! What’s he gonna do?
Mr. Cluck’s! I have a weird desire to see Jin in that chicken costume again.
So I hope Desmond is going to appear in peoples flashsideways
Well someone clearly hasn’t been watching the “Lost Untangled” episodes for this season
You mean other than Ilana Artzt
That i did not see coming!!! Holy Frak that was amazing!