Tuesday, 9 March 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
Hmmm that sounds interesting and I’ll be around for the Frak paty. Luckily I’ve got no lectures til tomorrow afternoon.
I hope you can find a live feed this time so that you can frak along with us!
Found one, now let’s hope I won’t be excluded cause of geocoding.
WOAH!!! Sayid drowned Dogen, again!!!:eek:
Run, Ben, run! :eek:
And Ben made a snarky joke … again!!!
Ben talking about Napoleon…Ben is Napoleon.
It’s Agent Dickless!
This poor school. It’s run by dicks.
Dr. Arzt!!!
Doc Arst! Unblowed-up and all!
“So says the substitute.”
They made their own in-joke.
F****** geocoding!!!
I’m not digging mild-mannered history teacher Ben, but I do like his geeky glasses
Not really a good poker face, Ben.
That’s not true. That’s impossible. whiny Luke
And some more snark. Yay!
Thank you Miles for verbalizing what we were already thinking in the peanut gallery!
So, she finds that out and doesn’t murder Ben right there?