Lost 6x07 Dr. Linus

Tuesday, 9 March 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Hmmm that sounds interesting and I’ll be around for the Frak paty. Luckily I’ve got no lectures til tomorrow afternoon.

I hope you can find a live feed this time so that you can frak along with us!

Found one, now let’s hope I won’t be excluded cause of geocoding.

WOAH!!! Sayid drowned Dogen, again!!!:eek:

Run, Ben, run! :eek:

And Ben made a snarky joke … again!!!

Ben talking about Napoleon…Ben is Napoleon.

It’s Agent Dickless! :slight_smile:

This poor school. It’s run by dicks.

Dr. Arzt!!!

Doc Arst! Unblowed-up and all! :slight_smile:

“So says the substitute.”


They made their own in-joke.

F****** geocoding!!!

I’m not digging mild-mannered history teacher Ben, but I do like his geeky glasses :wink:

Not really a good poker face, Ben.

That’s not true. That’s impossible. whiny Luke

And some more snark. Yay!

Thank you Miles for verbalizing what we were already thinking in the peanut gallery! :slight_smile:

So, she finds that out and doesn’t murder Ben right there?

Craaaap!! :frowning: