Lost 6x07 Dr. Linus

had to install a new player and therefore missed the first act after Ben teached the class. :frowning:

Anyone else find it hilarious that they are not even shocked that Ben lied?

Hey it’s Daddy Linus.

With oxygen tanks.

Speaking of people blowing up…

Alex is in his class! :eek:

Aaah, I feel the start of answers!!!

Richard Alpert is Dennis Hopper.

Does he have a watch up his ass?

“The Island still got you in the end.”

Destiny. Ah.

Wasn’t that Christopher Walken?

Probably. Still a valid question. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, now I understand why she wants him to dig his own grave!!

And he’s goin to gas him again!!:smiley:

:cool: ALEX!!

Indeed it did.

True. Always a valid question.

I’m not checking, though.

This is really touching between Ben and Alex.

Except where she’s manipulating him here…

“Would you promise…?”

Oh no. :eek:

Whistle while you work, Ben.

Digging one’s own grave is such a thankless job…

OMG, did I just hear a reference to Nikki and Paolo? :slight_smile:

“Not easy to explain.”

Sure. Sure.

“No, I’m not a cyborg.”

I love Hurley. :slight_smile: