Life on Mars (BBC)

Anyone else out there down with Life on Mars (BBC)? I didn’t love it, but found myself watching the entire first season. New season’s about to start, and I’m on the fence about watching it this time. But I think I will, mainly for the same reason I watched last time: To learn what’s going on.

Plot: British police guy. Tracking a serial killer or some such something. Gets hit by a car. Wakes up in the 1970s, as a cop. Winds up chasing a serial killer who may or may not be involved with the other serial killer. And coming into contact with figures from his own life. Is he really time travelling, in a coma, or both? I’m a sucker for time travel, so they have me hooked.

I thought Life on Mars was a great way to revitalize the standard Cop drama.
First, make it a period piece (mostly).
Then throw in the trippy coma/time travel is any of this real or is it all in his head mystery and they had me.

I thought the coma arch really pulled together at the end, and am surprised they felt they could continue.
Usually I’d prefer an implied ending to one all spelled out on this type of show.
(big fan of The Prisoner & Twin Peaks here)
But I’m gonna definitely watch.

Though I never saw any version, the exterior stimuli effecting an inner story concept kind of reminds me of what I’ve heard of The Singing Detective.

…And I quite like the fact that the show is named after the Bowie song playing when he was hit.

Cheers, then. This is s’posed to be the final season. If you’re a fan of the Bowie song, check out the instrumental version by the Bad Plus. They’re a rockin’ jazz trio that’s good for a lot of cover songs. The whole thing ain’t super, but it’s got some nice moments.

Never saw it, sounds interesting.

You may be interested to know that the actress playing Kendra Shaw in Razor (Stephanie Chavez Jacobsen) is apparently cast in the lead of an upcoming american version of Life on Mars.


Life on Mars is one of the best dramas the BBC produced in years, I have both series on DVD, if you havent seen the end it doesnt dissapoint, it will be interesting to see the American version when it arrives/

The follow up series Ashes to Ashes is being filmed just now, set in 1981 with our old friend gene hunt hee hee so keep an eye out for it

Oh, for bloody frak’s sake!.
Another needless Americanization of a perfectly good show.
“If we just dumb down that foreign hit for the great unwashed melting pot, we’ll all be driving gold plated hummers around LA”

I still haven’t gotten over the City of Angels-ing of my favorite movie of all time, Wings of Desire.

So, will the American version of Life on Mars (watch, they’ll change the name to Freebird, or Stairway to Heaven or something) be as bad as the American version of Coupling?

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

The biggest travesty of this process was the American “Cracker.” Ugh. Way to totally kill a work of genius. (Seriously, the Brit version is possibly the best show ever.) AbFab was probably a close second.

What I can’t figure out is, “Why?” Surely it’d be cheaper to simply import the show. What do they gain by redoing it locally? It’s not like Americans don’t like the Brits.

Holy CRAP I had missed this thread when you started it a few months back, but a friend sent me Seasons 1 and 2 of Life on Mars. I’ve only watched the first episode so far and am totally blown away. I’m LOVING this show.

Damn! I was going to call/send a file about this for the podcast… eventually!

I love this show! Am watching the spin-off/sequel called Ashes to Ashes which is currently airing over here, not as good but more nostalgic.

Also, in the American version, Gene Hunt is going to be played by… Colm Meaney! CHIEF!!!

Oh yes. I’ve seen all of both seasons. Good from start to finish; don’t worry about a crappy ending. It’s an excellent show. Great acting and the writing is clever and, as I love, oh-so-quotable.


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Great! I’ve been wondering how it will pan out in the end. I’ve watched five episodes so far and like the show and the characters a little more with each one.

Colm Meaney as Gene Hunt - wow! I just can’t see him chain-smoking and kidney-punching like ole’ Gene in 1973.

Colm Meaney can be a BAMF. I’m looking forward to it. I’m familiar with him from DS9, but I remember him being able to play a troubled old soldier very well.

What I do hope is that Life On Mars has a clear Beginning, Middle and End, unlike a lot of American television (and David E. Kelley shows, which always go on too long). If not, I just couldn’t see how it would be the same show.
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Chuck and I have watched all of Life on Mars now, both seasons.

I almost want to start a new thread just to bring more attention to this great show. After we watched the final episode we stayed up late talking about it. The music, the vivid images, everything is just hanging in my head, and I can’t stop thinking about it and being amazed at how this show has affected me, including the way I think about life.

We tried to buy the DVDs but they’re only available from BBC in Region 2 PAL format. Luckily, there are other methods. (What the frak? I’d totally BUY these DVDs if they’d make them for us over here in the states.)

I can honestly say, this is one of my favorite shows of all time. I’m looking forward to Ashes to Ashes (will start watching next week) but am extremely wary of the American version. How can they use all the same character names? At least make it a spinoff, rather than a remake.

Singing to self the David Bowie theme song

I spaced on the first couple episodes, and by then, I couldn’t quite get into susequent episodes, so I’m left waiting for reruns or DVD. Sounds like it’s worth the effort.

Also, the rockin’ traditional-jazz trio the Bad Plus covers “Life on Mars.” Here’s a craaaapy live clip, but the studio version is worth lookin’ for.


It’s a tad noisy through the verses, but when the chorus breaks, it’s bliss.

Just found this thread…

I finished watching LOM yesterday. sob What an amazing show! I fell in love with John Simm/Sam Tyler. Anyway, the acting was amazing (even if Liz White’s voice did grate a bit), the soundtrack was fantastic, and the chemistry was spot on. I’m not sure how I felt about the ending, though. I mean, it answered all my questions, sort of, but I sobbed when he started running on that roof!

And then I read that in Ashes to Ashes, Gene Hunt is torn up over the fact that Sam died 7 years before… Wha? I have the first episode. We’ll see how it goes…

I just know ABC will screw up the re-make… Every time Hollywood tries to redo some amazing foreign show (not counting those stupid frakkin game shows! Why can’t they import the good quiz and panel shows? Like QI?) they screw it up. (I think somebody mentioned Coupling?) I’ll at least check it out, though.

I have even less hope of this show being any good since I read some snarky review blurbs where the reviewer didn’t even get the concept.

I hear ya, but then again, remember some of the articles about BSG that we’ve seen where the reviewer just doesn’t get it…

I just finished watching this show a few weeks ago. Wanted to agree with everyone who said it is awesome. I loved almost everything about it. Not sure about the ending though, but it could have been a lot worse. And I for one, am not looking forward to the American version.

E-bay!!! That’s where I got my copies (region 1) and I can’t say I’ve ever spent better money on DVDs, well except for BSG.

I will have to look for the DVDs. I saw season one some time ago and really loved it. Ashes to Ashes could be really good since more people would relate to the 80s. I am old enough to go back to the 70s. Part of the charm I think was the vast difference in police procedure from the two time periods.

I tripped over this preview of the US show. It looks like they just took the script and reshot it. Well that is the first show at least.

