Life is teh suck today because (a.ka. the official B_tch & Moan thread)

I would like to second this statement.

Thanks Keara, Leah, Lucky and Cody for your good thoughts, they helped – a lot. Virtual hugs count.

I took the kids to their various activities yesterday so I was busy with other things. I think I was just in a bit of shock yesterday; though how one can be shocked by hearing the doctor say what one already suspected, I don’t know. But there it is.

Shock over. Today will be better.

I think it’s easy to be shocked, really. Even when we suspect something about our health, hearing it from a physician confirms it and makes it harder to take. That’s been my experience over my own chronic illness (particularly since I inherited a viewpoint that, until not that long ago, made me feel like any change in my health was entirely my fault, which led to my not wanting to see a doctor at all for a long time).

Hang in there. You’ll kick this thing in the tuchis. I know it! Warm thoughts and cyber hugs coming your way. :smiley:

JJ Abrams says, “This film is not for Trekkies.”

Thanx, JJ. Tell me something I didn’t know.

Thanks for the good thoughts Armando. They mean alot.

I’m in denial today – working so far. I’ll try denial until my next doctor’s appointment.

You hang in there ok? You stay strong and don’t give up. Do if for the GWC ok?

Hang in there Cym…

Cymbeline, everything that I would have said has been said. You are in my thoughts and prayers my friend.

'talos, in JJ’s defense (and only knowing what I read in that article) I would interpret this as “I am not a slave to the original” which can be a good thing. Think of the new Daniel Craig Bond v. the original Sean Connery. We will always love Connery…Connery is the F’ing bomb. Without Connery Bond would not exist. He defined Bond and built a foundation that went beyond the time period it was made.

Saying this is not a fan for Trekkies only means they will not be tied down by the past. It will honor it, it will have fun with it and it will propel it forward.

Have faith bro. This movie is going to kick ass.

I hear ya. But here are the issues I have:

  1. This movie is taking too long to come out, already. I just want JJ to shut up so I can just go and enjoy this film already.

  2. Is it Star Trek or re-imagined? When BSG was announced and all the flack came from the die hard fans of the original, I was like get over it. Let’s give the new show a chance. Now I guess I’m reaping what I sown.

  3. If I could just make a relationship reference. It’s like going out with a really hot chick who looks like a really hot chick you used to know but this new girl is incredibly obnoxious.

  4. I don’t want to become a “You ruined my childhood, George Lucas!!” person. I just wished they released this film under a different name with different characters.

Oh and Cymbeline, sorry I’m thinking 'bout you also. Feel better and hang in there.

There is white stuff everywhere. Lots of it. Like 6+ inches so far. We had to shovel over our lunch hour. I want to move to Florida, like, yesterday…

Wow. That’s a lot. IKYWIM!

GR! Where you been man? There’s been lots going on around here!

We had just a dusting yesterday, and I am sooo tired of it, I wanted to cry. So I feel really bad that you have to deal with so much of it. :frowning:

i know about this all to well, being from wisconsin… all the snow missed us, but it raind yesterday all day n night, and then it dropd to 10 degrees and all froze… i slid all around the work parkin lot for 10mins this morn… 4wheel drive is just 2 extra wheels sliding on ice :slight_smile:

be safe n drive safe splatterson :slight_smile:

I grew up in Ohio’s snow belt, and now live on Lake Erie, and have come to fear the words “Lake Effect”.

I dated a guy in Sheboygan, WI about 10 yrs ago, and more than the snow (of which there was plenty), I remember the bitter frakkin cold, like worrying about frostbite pumping gas in January. Brrr!

But, yeah, Splatterson, be safe and stay warm!

My dad is from WI, and I know that the memory of MONTHS of snow is one of the reasons he now lives in California.

I have a 70 pound dog that can help get anyone out of bed even my husband. Sorry I could not resist. :wink:

So I went out to play in the snow with my eldest and tried to get her to play Ice Planet Hoth with me (hey, I grew up in a tropical island and didn’t see snow till I was 16. My first impressions of snow came from The Empire Strikes Back. I’m a geek and I’m proud!). So I said, “Olivia, we need to sit down and watch Star Wars together soon” to which she replied, “NOOOOOOO!!! That’s a BOY’S SHOW!!!”

I’m trying to think of an appropriate punishment…

Left for work laptop great. Came home 17 inch screen cracked? messed up? down to 8 inches in the corner. Hubby not answering cell phone. What happened? Dogs not talking.

LOL. I feel your pain, my friend. It takes me all the restraint I have to not give my 6 year old girl a time out for referring a Jedi Knight’s weapon as a “Lifesaver” instead of a “Lightsaber”. :rolleyes:

OK I love that you were playing Ice Planet Hoth, because that’s adorable.

Re: calling it a boy’s show - but! but! it’s not! I’m a lady and I like my Star Wars… who told her that???

I think we need to get a PR campaign going. Maybe have Hannah whatserface and the Disney Princesses hanging out with Leah who is like, yo girls you’re not active enough, let’s go save the galaxy or something cool like that.

At least that’s what I did with girly stuff when I was a kid.