Life is teh suck today because (a.ka. the official B_tch & Moan thread)

Oh geeze louise! Bad universe! Stop sending Shelly such misfortune on her special day.

Hope that helped. Sometimes you just have to put your foot down and be strong.

(Happy anniversary all the same.)

Sorry to hear about the plumbing and anniversary woes

LOL, you are a sweetie

I might have the dumbest group ever assigned for any history project. frak my life. I’m doing it all myself.

Don’t worry Box (mind if I call you Box?). We’ll help you. The GWC Hive mind is very, very good at history. Top Gun for example is so old, he’s like, lived history.:wink:

Holy Gods I logon for the first time in a couple of days, and this is what awaits me?? Kirkon Thot, you bloodsucker!!Kirkoff

Ok, Gaeta…uh, I mean, Thot: There’s gonna be a reckoning…

I reckon. :smiley: As soon as my wheelchair comes back from the drycleaners. Damn Chili.

I’ve been a-waiting for ya Jimmy-boy:)
(great to have you back—seriously).

Hay I resemble that. I am as old as the manned space program. You do the math.

I was alive when Kennedy was shot.

That is not my moan. My school system’s budget is projected next year to be 114 million dollars less than last year. I am in a rather small system for Florida so this is a great deal of money.

The job my wife was sure she was going to get, which she was told she would be getting a call for a second interview early this week, had to be canned due to budget cuts and turned into a part time position, so she’s not getting it cause they can’t afford her now. She’s very disappointed.

Also, I had to seriously yell at a student today who was being a brat in class. I have NEVER had to do this with college students before. I am livid.

End of line.

That’s disappointing about the job you wife was hoping to get. Sorry to hear that.

Damn, that is unbelievable that you have to discipline a college-aged kid. I mean, they’re paying to be there for gods-sake. Or maybe their parents are paying, and they don’t give a craap. I’d kick him out if he(she?) did it again. Are you allowed to do that–kick him out of the room I mean?

I’m planning to. I’ve already given the heads up to the academic affairs dean and my department chair. The girl actually pulled the “I pay a lot of money to come here” crap on me, after she had the gall to tell me that, “and I don’t think I’m talking just for myself here” (her words), she didn’t think she was learning anything in my class (after having defended herself for doing another class’ homework by saying, “it’s not like I don’t do the homework and do well on it,” which would imply that, in fact, she IS learning something in my class–which she is. I know this because I GRADE the work for the class and it doesn’t suck). I called her on that and suggested that, instead of me teaching on the subject I was introducing yesterday on Friday, that she could do a report and do it. Her reply? “Sure, but then I’m not doing the homework everyone else is doing.” Of course you are, I said. “Well, they don’t pay ME to teach.”

Anyway, I basically suggested (this was the first thing I said. I’m in a sort of Tarantino-esque non-linear narrative mood today) that if she wasn’t going to respect me or the course and do homework for some other class while I was trying to lecture and/or play a piece that we would then talk about, that maybe she shouldn’t come to class anymore.

We’ll see where she takes this. Frankly, I just think she needs to losen up and kill the bug up her (sorrybarb). I also get the feeling that being reprimanded in front of her classmates may have been the kick in the butt that she needed. We’ll see what happens tomorrow. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to have my abilities as a teacher, which I know from years of very glowing evaluations from former students are excellent, by some entitled brat who doesn’t seem to want to grow up and uses this sort of attitude (I’m not the only professor she’s tried this on) to get her way.

Euuuuch. Kids today. I was going to suggest what TFG did. I had to bounce a student out of class once.

We were doing mock job interviews, and she got up and started talking to her friends, having a conversation in the middle of it. I gave a big, “Get out,” followed by another louder, “Get your things and get. out.” By the time she told the story to the brass, her version of it was that I’d said, “Get your sh*t and get out.”

Luckily, there was another teacher in the room at the time, who set the record straight. But it’s always good to get your version down in writing and be the first one to tell it, with references included.

“Martha Speaks” is good – music and show. If you like that, you’ll probably like the Olivia theme. It’s less elaborate, but catchy.

Anyhow, sir, hang in there. You’re bound to have a good week eventually.

Armando, if you don’t mind me asking, what type of classes are you teaching now?

And yeah, we can kind of be some bastards, huh?:wink:

Music theory.

I have officially put a bullet in my cars head an am taking it to the pick and pull lot today. She was a good car but i just don’t have the time, money, or expierence to fix her up. And to get a car doc to do it for me would just cost much more than she was worth. I made a valiant effort to save her but Seabiscuit she is not. You were a good car Sayra. You will be missed

Armando, I feel for you. I am also reminded of a favorite quote of mine that seems to fit quite well:
“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, they show disrespect to their elders… They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and are tyrants over their teachers.”
[RIGHT]- Socrates[/RIGHT]

Ah yes, good old Socrates! (You should read that the way it’s pronounced on Bill and Ted.) I love that quote.

Kid showed up to class. Stayed quiet the entire time. Was the last one in, so the other students jokingly wondered if she would show up (I asked them to stop as their comments were inappropriate, but deep down I enjoyed having the class on my side). She eventually participated. Makes me think that all she needed was to be metaphorically bitch-slapped in front of the rest of her class.

I feel vindicated. And now, I must nap, for I have a concert tonight (which requires me to miss BSG. Life is truly TEH SUCK) and I got maybe an hour’s worth of sleep last night. I’m frakking exhausted.

I am sorry for your loss.

Teaching does have its rewards.

I’m single and its Valentine’s Day, watching all the twitterers celebrate.

Heh, oh well, at least I’ve got this overtime work later this evening to keep me company. (part of a team upgrading one of the mainframes)

Don’t worry, there’s lots of us singletons alone on Valentine’s. Think of the money we’re saving on cards, flowers, chocolates, and fancy dinners!