Well, I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.
Put a dirty sock or t-shirt or some thing that smells like you in his kennel with him. That really helped the last 2 pups we had.
I do not know he guys might pick there stuff up more knowing that Weasley could get sick eating it or their stuff could have teeth on them. They may get much neater.
You can take a dog blanket and rub your sent on it. It will help keep the pup from steeling sox that the guys may leave around.
I’ve got a new dog. It’s way too smart. We’ve had it for like. 3 weeks and it’s already basically house trained and can play fetch and stuff. I fully expect it to be able to open doors soon. Doors that are locked.
I’m not sure how exactly but it’ll happen
While also a cool video at like 1:10 is basically the new dog
We had a dog when I was a kid who used to enjoy rubbing her own scent on her blanket, IYKWIM!
She would always wait until we had a BBQ in the backyard, with lots of relatives and boyfriends from newly budding teenage romance, and then totally go for it and embarrass the hell out of us
I had to ‘towel’ fix my xbox360 for the second time last night. I think its finally in its death throes…
Stupid Microsoft! :mad:
My dog does open doors and lights. Thankfully not locked doors. :eek:
Anyone else think it’s funny that this is the first time we’d almost be able to take the underscore out of B_tch in the thread name and be perfectly P.C.
The dog in question would have to be female though…
I was thinking you people have injected way too much happiness into this thread and we need more complaining and whining!
Rosey my six year old bitch has to be under foot all of the time. Since she is deaf I think she blocks your way so that she feels you when you move. I am very surprised that I have not broken one of her bones or mine. Going to the bathroom at night can be a trip. :rolleyes:
Mine does the same, and she can hear just fine. (She just wants to be able to sack out without missing anything.)
Ok, how’s this: my head hurts, my nose is stuffed up, my throat hurts, and I HAVE to go to work tomorrow.
I’m an angry, angry man today please excuse any bad language and outright political ranting.
but its a sad day here in Canada… let me just say this I’m liberal minded, by even Canadian standard which makes me down right uber-liberal to most of the world, but in our last election the conservative party won a minority government in our parliamentary democracy. Now the other three parties are binding together for a vote of non confidence. This essentially defeating the government, which is fine. but what isn’t fine by any means is that there not calling for a new election, what these traitors, and say this as I voted against the conservative party. are right now going to try to use a legal loop hole which allows our “governor general” an appointed position which is a 97% ceremonial position left over from the days when we weren’t even a country and still under the rule of england. to appoint a new cabinet and prime minister. so we the electorate don’t matter our election doesn’t matter.
apparently one single appointed position can completely ignore our election results. If they called for a new election I would be annoyed but fine, but this is untenable.
I don’t think i’ve ever been this disappointed…
after procrastinating over thanksgiving break and barely doing any work, i am now facing 2 am tonight and probably for the rest of the week. im grumpy, frustrated, and tired.
WTF, Nickname Boomer! Who do they think they are? Cheney/Bush?
(OK, that was probably nto called for…I will go in the corner to take my floggins)
Seriously though…what is with political leaders recently just ignoring their own rule of law?
I’m just livid about this, Aset. I mean i voted NPD which is essentially our most left leaning party, now we lost but thats what democracy is about, more people voted Conservative. which means thats what we get, they want a non confidence vote fine, a new election; cost us tax payers another 30 million fine, but to just reassign our cabinet ministers, to the other parties and give the liberal leader the role of prime minister. Hell no; not in the country i love, the country i would lay down my life for.
but here we are…
lets just hope this doesn’t happen over the next few weeks.
What kills me about this is that i feel in a very real way my right to vote has been taken from me. i vote for traditional liberal values. and now every major party accept the conservatives have crossed the line in the sand. way past what i can forgive. I can adjust to standard corruption, power grabbing and laundering taxpayer money. All that i can forgive but not this, not ever. and now my only real choice in the future is to vote for either party that has tried to make an end run around a certified election, which i could not do, or vote for a party who’s policies and values are opposite mine. so how can i vote for either in good conscious.
I went on about the importance of voting before, on the forum, how voting for the lesser of evil was better than doing nothing… and was confronted with the argument of if you believe the entire system has been corrupted. You shouldn’t validate it by voting. i thought that argument was based on a unrealistic and nihilistic view of things. now i’m thinking I was wrong. maybe its really all just pretense.
Here’s a whine: while the head cold I went through last week seems to have abated, the cough has not only lingered but gotten much, much worse (scarily, light-headedly, knee-buckingly worse). This has me somewhat worried but I’ve been dragging my feet about seeing a doctor hoping it would get better. Ugh!