my spouse is having some medical issues, but since we’re poor he has no insurance, and so no one in our area (that we’ve talked to so far) will see him. boo times a million.
Conservative leader David Cameron has become the new UK prime minister after the resignation of Gordon Brown.
I am sorry to hear that. (hug going your way)
I would say just skip the week and do not do it over.
So my week wasn’t so bad, but it wasn’t so bad as to cancel that stinker out. Jeez. At least the idiot drunk got arrested good and proper
Look at it this way. A few years in opposition are good for reminding politicians that voters aren’t like Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, and male-friendly lesbians: figments of your facking imagination!
I have three students failing. Only two of them deserve to. One just failed to turn in her midterm project and loses 30% of her grade :eek:
One of the ones who deserves to fail will now not be graduating and will have to forfeit his graduate assistanceship for next year. :eek:
I am, however, positive that it is because of THEIR lack of responsibility and industry that they are failing, as most of my other students are passing with flying colors (and at least two of them have been with me for two years and have shown remarkable progress).
I have to have blood drawn in the morning. Not a big deal. I do it all the time. But I have to be fasting for it. And I’m not liking it right now. UGH!
I am growing increasing worried about the volcanic ash situation and possible British Airways strike. BrettAZ leaves on May 29 on BA for his French exchange. The French families have been planning for their arrival for months, since their kids returned from being with us. It would be awful not to be able to go. I can deal with losing the money, but the kids will be devastated if their trip gets cancelled.
FWIW, my Europe trip got canceled when I was a kid because (gasp!) someone blew something up in Europe. That never happens. NEVER! Not, like, EVERY WEEK FOREVER.
And I’ve never actually made it over since. Dammit.
What’s that GWC International meetup 2012 in London? =P
On a happy note, Dawn, I saw on CNN today that BA is promising to fly during the whole thing.
Don’t mean to be a downer, but that isn’t necessarily a good thing.
From the A-Team?
That just throws everything I thought I knew about him in doubt…
The article I read said they expect to fly 70% of their flights. Fingers are crossed. HubAZ and I fly US Airways, so I’m not worried about us getting there.
I’ve had a low grade migraine for the last three days. At least it’s not a full blown one. Not yet at least.
Small one.
I did not have my camera when the shuttle went up.
Have you considered that it could have come from your massive input of LOST goodness? Beware of possible nosebleeds!
Don’t worry, it’s all part of Jacob’s plan! I think …
I’ve heard on the grapevine that the a-hole ex has been particularly nasty about me to his friends, describing me as “it” and that I tricked him into a relationship.
So now I have fury mixed with my sadness, good-oh!