Life is teh suck today because (a.ka. the official B_tch & Moan thread)

My scooter wouldn’t frakking start today. AGAIN. I’m afraid there is something messed up in the electronics and I’m not sure that would be cost-effective to repair. AAAAAAHHHHHHH.

We had the same thing two month or so ago. We did not have a big mess since it was in the garage and the water just went out the door. We did have to spend money we did not really have to spare to get a new one. We now have a tankless water heater. It should last much longer than one with a tank.

Florida is now in an official Recession. Like we have not noticed. The good news is I have a job.

My room is currently missing a wall. Woooooo

So where do you think it went to? :stuck_out_tongue:

I know exactly where it went. Into a garbage can. Cause I beat the craaaaap out of it with a hammer

So you just got mad at the wall or is there a plan.

Water damage. Had to knock out the drywall and gonna have to replace studs and stuff. My life is teh lame currently

Why didn’t you call us for help? I’m sure there are lots of us that would come destroy some stuff in order to release some stress!

Cause I ain’t letting you freaks and weirdos into mah bat cave. C’mon now it’s bad enough I have to associate with you on the internet. God.


Congrats to your dad, GR…:slight_smile:

Here’s what I did yesterday. I set up an extension ladder and opened up a gallon of white latex paint, climbed up about 12 feet, and started painting some of the trim on my house (ladder was set up on the driveway, in front of the open garage door).

As I began, I was a bit upset to see that a bunch of yellowjackets (bees) began boiling out from behind the window shutter that my face was approx 2 feet from at that moment. I was even more upset when one stung me on the forearm. So upset, in fact, that I lost my balance, kind of dove-slid backwards, and fell-slid down the ladder, free falling the last several feet to a beautiful three point landing (left foot, right foot, -sorry barb-) on the wonderfully non-elastic pavement of my driveway.

As I sat on my rear end, I looked up just in time to see half a gallon of white latex paint in a can, and the brush, quickly approaching, in similar trajectory to mine. The can hit the driveway right between my legs, and white paint just exploded everywhere. Think Death Star type of explosion, I mean this stuff went 20 feet in every direction, including all over the side of the house, the foundation, the driveway, and into the garage, nicely splattering everything including the back of my van.

I was not happy.

I stumbled to my sore feet, and began a cleanup of the mess. A river of white paint covered my driveway,and I was covered as well, paint was IN my underwear, my legs were white, my arms, you name it. I took my shoes off and THEY were full of paint ! Things proceeded relatively well, until I made the sudden discovery that my garage floor is WICKED (New England term for "Oh how very very) slippery when wet. I fell on my -sorry Barb- yet again, twisting my back and leg in the process.

When I told the XO, she chuckled and said it sounded like a Three Stooges episode. She was right.

She’s locked in the closet now, That’ll teach her.:slight_smile: Ok, that part’s not true.

Today, I feel like I just went three rounds with a truckfull of bricks. Ouch.

So that was my Tuesday !!! It was COOL !!:(:mad:


And now I’m gonna read the rest of your post.

I really don’t know whether to laugh or feel sympathetic. I mean, I’m sorry for what happened to you, but it just sounds hysterical.

well my day yestrerday was also painful. me and my buddies were in the town park, Rodger Williams Park and theres this realy steep hill and we ran down it full speed then jumped and landed on the dirt. not only did we prob make a world record of biggest dirt skidmark ever but we were stupid enoupgh to keep doing it. then one of our cute friends came along so we cleaned up. lol

See, I don’t get it why people complain that kids today don’t play outside anymore.

Well, they say that humor is always at someone else’s expense, so sorry for your pain and troubles, but (since you came any with no permanant injury) as a fellow New Englander let me confess that your story was WICKED FUNNY!!! ROTFL… I hope you and your -sorry Barb–are recovering.
Now here’s the important question: I used to work for a Paint company in Cambridge Mass called California Paints. Were you using Califorina Paints?

Just a quick question:

if the paint was inside your underwear, I can only hope you get it washed off before it dried.

I guess you could look on the bright side and be thankful you weren’t killed, because that was a heck of a fall and landing. Still, that story is the stuff that comedy writers in Hollywood would kill to think up on their own. Perhaps you can make a crapload o’ money by selling it to someone.

Sorry you had such a horrible mishap…and I’m glad you’re relatively ok.

That’s not a question. It’s a statement. :wink:

Ok so this didn’t happen to me today but since we are telling Ladder stories i have a doozie that almost resulted in my death/paralization, and the potential death/amputation of limbs/catastrophic pain of two of my fellow employees.

I was working at Busch Gardens (tampa) a few years ago and we were doing a change over between shows. I had to take down some curtains that covered the area abouve the proscenium that was open air (I was in an Amphitheater). There was a grate above the stage which was about 10 feet above the stage. I went up there with two of my minions so they could hold the ladder, which as we all know is good ladder safety. I extend the ladder almost fully so as to reach the pipe, which is approximately another 20 feet or so above the grate, that was holding the curtain. This would put my head at about 30 + feet above the ground. I climb up and start to untie the first string on the curatin when i hear a click sound which was followed by a click click. I also noticed that the pipe was getting a little further from my head. As the Ladder started to Un-extend i managed to grab the pipe and hook my feet under one of the rungs just as one of my minions grabbed the extension rope and pulled the ladder back to full height.

Had he not done that i would have probably fallen 30 feet flat on my face. I would have crushed the dude under me and maybe severed his hands off. Once the top half of the ladder hit the ground it may have Catapulted the girl who was holding the other side of the ladder.

Needless to say i i came right down and changed my britches sat trembling in the break room for a for about half an hour and the said Frak it were gonna wait for the high reach lift.

So kids ladder safety tip number one. Make sure your extension ladder is locked into place before climbing all the way to the top.

It was such an outlandish incident that I didn’t even get mad…no swearing, yelling…I think I was dumfounded that I did something so dumb…So go 'head and laugh !!:slight_smile:

Thanks Thot ! It was the Lowes store brand, whatever that is…it’s in the trash in the garage with my pride.:smiley:

Threw my clothes right into the wash afterwards, while I could still move. Paint still in everything after a full cycle. Oh well, I was looking for a pair of Palomino boxers anyway ! Ruined the pants though.:mad:

Thanks K !! I took yesterday and tonight off from work, with pay, so at least there’s that bit of a silver lining !! I just can’t bend, twist, or walk too well, is all !!

And boy was it fun to completely drench that frakkin’ bees nest with the hose !! From a safe distance, of course.