Just when I was enjoying my four-day weekend, I get a message from my coworker that our boss has turned in her resignation and will be leaving March 12. It’s not a huge surprise because we knew that she was unhappy, constantly dealing with the moron ad reps upstairs, and apparently she’s found a freelance writing gig. So y’know, that’s nice for her.
But it sucks because female bosses who aren’t heinous sorryBarbs are few and far between, and we have no idea what the higher-ups will do about replacing her. Three months into a search for a new editor for WS Monthly, and they still haven’t found one nor told the assistant editor if he has a hope of being promoted. We can’t be without a special sections editor for even a week if they actually want things to get published on time.
The next month is gonna’ suuuuuuck. Who’s buyin’ me a drink at the Meetup?