Life is teh suck today because (a.ka. the official B_tch & Moan thread)

you know I recently learned that the British word loo is why the people in India call it “room 100” because they thought l was a 1…

useless knowledge is just one more service I provide. :slight_smile:

yet another 6.8 earthquake that failed to kill me… hopefully it didn’t get anyone else either.

My friends’ whose son is battling cancer had to take him to the ER last night. He’s now in the hospital, stabilized, with pneumonia and “resting uncomfortably,” though his dad describes it more as his being unconscious. I’m very, very, VERY worried.

I feel like I should post an update: the little guy is out of the intensive care unit. He’s still in rough shape, but getting better. Hope springs eternal.

I recently replaced my laptop screen with an aftermarket one bought online. It was priced fairly reasonably, arrived quickly, and really was easy to switch out. A bunch of tiny phillips head screws, a couple of micro plugs, and back in business.
Good luck!

Ravens’ game pushed back due to weather. Bears haven’t even made it into town yet.

OK, it’s no kid with cancer, but it’s all I got…

I have a killer cold… and it’s 32 C out. My normal killer-cold-killing techniques are really predicated on cooler weather… sigh.

I drink the Ener- C stuff like crazy when I’m feeling yucky. Best thing is probably to rest. Hope you can. I was ill one holiday and it really sucked.

Thinking of you.:wink:

Thanks, Dawn :slight_smile: I’m less sniffly now, but my voice (when it’s working) is an octave + lower than my normal range. To be fair, I probably shouldn’t have been singing at church, but it’s Advent! I have to sing! :stuck_out_tongue:

tea with lemon, tea with lemon, rinse and repeat.

Been going through a killer cold myself this weekend. Lots of rest (slept through most of yesterday) and attacked it with mucinex (cleared my lungs right up, which is where I get most of my complications since I developed pneumonia three years ago) and just generally took it easy. Now all I have left is a head cold, which should hopefully be gone by morning. I worship at the altar of mucinex now. That stuff will clear your system pretty quickly. I highly recommend it.

I just drink like crazy.

Doesn’t really help, but I don’t care anymore.

Mother Nature is hosing my holiday. Due to the snow storm today and the blizzard predicted for Wednesday and Thursday, I will mostly likely miss Christmas at the farm with my family for the first time in my entire life. I’m going to miss my nieces and nephew opening their Santa presents. I hate this. :frowning:

That sucks!

:looking around for Thot: Stupid Anders, driving that weather control tech into the sun!

(good thing this is a written forum… I can’t talk at all today. it’s pathetic.)

Thanks! I think I’ve come to terms with it. We’ll just do it next weekend but it still sucks 'cause my mom won’t be able to walk due to knee surgery. I’m not even sure she’ll be out of the hospital. Guess they’ll just have to do their thing and Aunt Shellie will have wait to give out her stuff. I’ll have to have my brother videotape Christmas - and there goes the family picture I had planned. Ok - maybe I’m not totally over it. :smiley:

My frakking computer died, and I don’t know what’s wrong with it :frowning:

I’m on the server computer now, an ancient laptop that usually runs the home entertainment system. I feel like I lost a limb :frowning:

Oh boy, that’s not good. Here’s hoping that you can get it sorted out quick and cheap.

What’s it not getting to windows (or what ever OS you’ve got) or is it not turning on at all? Or is it just that the screen’s blank?

It’s now not booting past initial load screen, but this is after a month of random freezes and shutdowns. swapped hard drives and cables out… I’m afraid it’s the gorram motherboard :frowning:

So, a Facebook friend who I went to grad school with just said he’s been a fan of mine ever since we were in a class together our first semester of school. I still can’t remember him (or at least what he looked like back then). :o

At some point I’m going to have to admit this! I’d love to work with this guy as he’s pretty bad ass, but man, I can’t remember him at all.

I’ve been waiting for a Lord of the Rings arc since BSG ended, and it comes during the last test/finals part of the semester. I was looking forward to frakking that with GWCers, but I’m sure it’ll come 'round again.

I sat in with a friends band this afternoon, it was a lot of fun and a massive release of tension and nerves.

I broke a nail during the freakout section of “Come Sail Away”, but I didn’t mind, it was totally worth it.