Life is teh suck today because (a.ka. the official B_tch & Moan thread)

Well, I never developed a taste for watching sport either. At the same time, remember the words of Marx, who said, “lady, I love my cigar but I still take it out of my mouth sometimes.” :wink:

Sadly they don’t wear tight clothes.

Besides I only got the sports channels for WWE, that’s got LOTS of sweaty dudes in tight clothes…

See, I totally don’t get that. Yay! should know I don’t take stuff out of my mouth that often.


As a person who has had everything go wrong at once myself you have my sympathies, hugs, and prayers.

Day 4 of any flu is bad. I hope you feel better soon.

You know, I have no idea what it is I’d meant to say when I quoted Groucho either. What was I on last night?

It must take a pretty bad day to get you down, Barb. Thanks for all the cheer you spread to the rest of us, and here’s many prayers for a good outcome to the rockiness on this patch of your life’s road.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar…

…and sometimes it’s a dong.

I’d like to think I ingrained dong into the minds of GWCers for at least the time being

Also in before IYKWIM

Well, yes. But I forgot the context. Which is strange because I can just go back and read it. Must be that early onset Alzheimer’s. Or the consumption. Or all that laudanum I consume. :wink:

Ahhh, Laudanum, along with Absinth and Opium make for the greatest night out in Victorian London.

Don’t forget the cigars and dong. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not the suck for me personally but my brother. Yesterday was his birthday/halloween party. The hubs and I had a different birthday dinner to attend first so we weren’t in costume and got there an hour after start time - a reasonable time to arrive. Also we weren’t in costume because of the previous commitment. When we got there brother was the only person there. Literally everyone else save 2 people had cancelled. it was an hour and a half befor one of those other 2 people showed - and not in costume. Another hour before the last (and two friends - none in costume) arrived by which time we had to leave. I may not like my brother much but I feel really bad for him.

I went to a nightclub like that once.

Oh man, that does suck. Hard. I think a bit of conspiring with his friends to throw your brother a new party might be in order…

So I’ve been having issues with something related to my Halloween costume, and had to re-order something last week. I was somewhat surprised when today comes and it still hadn’t arrived, so I check the shipping information and lo and behold, UPS said it was delivered. But wait! For some reason the website I used thought that I should really be living where I lived 2+ years ago, and instead of shipping to a) the address that I’ve been living at for years, b) the address that they usually ship things too, c) the address that is my preferred shipping address (full disclosure, a, b, and c are all the same place), they decided that they would ship it to my old address.


Luckily I live only a few blocks from there now, so I could walk over and knock on the door. No one was home, so I left a note. I hope that they didn’t ship it back… because that would just make the whole situation just peachy.

Small hate for changing of the clocks twice a year. It was never proven to do any good, only mess with my sleep.

And my digestion. It sucks bad if you’re diabetic!

I’ve never noticed a problem myself (I didn’t realize you were a diabetic too!).

I hate switching times as well, but I’ve been getting increasingly annoyed at having to drive an hour to work in the dark, so I’ll be glad for that to be over. I won’t be happy to see the sunset at 4:00 in the afternoon, however.

Stupid farmers…

No, stupid gov. who thinks it somehow helps save energy. If it ever did it sure does not now. Farmers are good. They make food. :smiley: