Life is teh suck today because (a.ka. the official B_tch & Moan thread)

That’s exactly the reason I ended up getting a science officer uniform :stuck_out_tongue:
I originally wanted a command uniform, but oh well.

Sending hug Maybe a bit of family talk is in order if the Mrs. and mom can talk without getting angry. These are hard times when a bit of understanding can go a long way. I know easier said than done.

That is why I sent hug first. :wink:

I feel your pain. My wife loves her parents and all, but, based on our short trips and visits, if we moved in with 'em, it’d end in bullets fired.

I’ll be praying you know the subtle terror of owning your own home.

The water’s been off all day due to construction outside our house. We had no prior notice. I’m furious - we need to do dishes, laundry, shower, and oh yeah it would be nice to be able to brush my teeth. Gr.

Um…happy birthday? :slight_smile: Hope the water’s back on soon, and surely call your town’s Dept of Public Works and make noise.

The water came on again… after the time limit the city told me, but it’s back. phew.

You know? It’s Christopher Lloyd’s Birthday as well. Perhaps something happened with the timeline.

The color is irrelevant. The important thing is to follow the 7.6 cm rule::eek:

That does seem to be on your mind a great deal. :rolleyes:

sometimes life just takes a cosmic craaap on your head…

I frakking can’t stand verbally and possibly physically abusive parents (toward me, not the child in this case).

I am sick of the incompetence and ineptitude of my supervisor at work.

My Mom is losing a boob to breast cancer.

the hub’s Mama probably has crossed the line into type 2 diabetes.

The drama llama has settled in for a nice, too long ride.

I am running, running, running all the frakking time.

that is all…

That sounds like enough. You and your mothers will be in my prayers.

How nice of them. What do you need water for anyway?

Thank you. <3

I’m sorry Barb. Wish I could take some of your stress away. I’m sending you a huge, huge hug and wishing you all the best. You deserve nothing less. For a B.A.D. girl, you sure as hell are Good People!

oh, sweetie! will this wretched f*cking year never end?!?! I’m thinking of you and Michael and calling upon The Powers That Be to get their karma meters fixed. you are WAY overdue for some good stuff.

I’ll come down soon. love you, sweetie!!

Day 4 of N1H1 or at least thats what they suspect until my tests come back in… not a fun week :frowning:

Uff and ouch! So sorry life is piling it on for you.

Wow, bkity, when it rains, it pours. Sorry to hear all of that. Hope at least some of it turns around soon.

OK, seriously, what is it with BOYS and SPORT? What’s that you say Yay? You want to watch a large group of men run around and get sweaty chasing a ball rather than talk, and then more than talk with me?

Ohhh! It’s a european match of some sort? That makes it all okay.


As a woman who likes to watch sweaty American boys run around chasing a pigskin ball, may I suggest watching said sport? Sweaty men in tight pants are entertaining and sometimes shirts come off… :smiley: