Life is teh suck today because (a.ka. the official B_tch & Moan thread)

That’s good, there are some REAL A-holes out there!

Where? Oh you mean out in the “real” world.

Pretty much everywhere, it’s kinda the reason I don’t come straight out and tell people about my whole deal, it’s easier online, I can usually not mention it if I get a bad vibe, but fortunately, i was fairly sure I’d be okay here.

In the “real” world, well, I can and do pass, but it’s something I do have to tell people before I can get a good bead on them, as it doesn’t seem fair to not to really.

It’s a bit like Russian roulette, except that there are more bullets in the gun, and the bullets can act like jerks with no sense of how to deal with it, not that I expect people to just accept, sometimes it’s like I told someone I punched their grandmother and burned their house down, the sheer vitriol and rage is something to behold, sometimes it’s just a stream of questions, which I honestly don’t mind, and sometimes they tell me they’d guessed, which is NOT what a girl like me wants to hear!

But yeah, ya’ll are cool, but any questions feel free to ask.

Thanks. I don’t know too many people anymore that haven’t been touched by cancer at some point in their lives. :frowning:

Frankenstein is just misunderstood, just wants a bit of soup and a cigar now and again. And all I can think of is Young Frankenstein… one of my all time favorite movies.

The really weird thing is that it’s actually the most faithful of the adaptation of the original book.

I’ve never read it. I need to add it to my list.

I can see a bit of shock since it is not the most common thing to hear about. I do not understand rage unless you have had a long relationship and the person feels lied to. I guess if you tell a guy they may feel like they are attracted to a guy and the freak out is more about them then you.

I am very into if it makes you happy and does not hurt others why should I judge. You sound happier. I hope that is true.

Do that!

It’s disconcerting how different it is from the adaptations you’ve seen. And it’s out of copyright, so you can find it free online (it’s also pretty short, so not hard to read on a computer.)

I’ve been putting it in for the book club, but it’s never gotten much traction. Read it, and you’ll want to discuss it too.

You can get it for free on iTunes if you enjoy listening to it.

That’s partly the case, but some guys, and women too, just get really angry/offended about the whole thing, which is… weird.

I am very happy, but i still want a Helicopter.

It sure is weird. I’m glad to hear you are happy. I believe people should be judged on the content of their character and their behaviour towards others and the earth (if that doesn’t sound too hippy?).

So no shard there we were… Playing virtual Battletech. There was a good crew of us up there…8 total (which is what is needed to have a full load of players)… We had our good vibes on until right at the end… It almost as if the universe knew we wanted a good top off to the evening…And decided instead…To poo on us…

We load in the final mission… Like most games where there are spawn points, it is considered bad form to A: camp the spawn, and B: Upon first spawn, run away from those near you and then start shooting. What is worse is, our crew had discussed this numerous times. We also consider it bad form to run your mech in to other players. Any noob can take a 30 story robot and crash in to stuff…

This one guy, whom we’ve had problems with in the past…in the listening department…Decides to take it upon himself to toss out all the good form…He loads in the final mission with one of the heaviest mechs there is…and guess who spawns RIGHT next tot he guy…anyone? anyone? Yeah…ME… He turns…and opens fire… And it was not like Ooops I forgot and only shot you with my light weapons… I’m talking full on alpha strike… What’s worse is…I had turned to run away from his spawn point…so my back is to him… Try turning around under fire from an assult mech… Then…THEN…He proceeds to start running this assult mech down peoples throats… Full tilt boogie smashing people right in the grill…Even knocks some of the lighter mechs over…
But the shows not over there…No… We can live with one jerk who decides to go stupid on us… We get done with the mission and we gather for the debrief show…and everyone is looking at this guy and going, “Hey, what’s your deal…why did you that?” This guy decides he’s going to get all pissy and has the nerve to ask us what we are all upset about…And when we show him…AGAIN… He’s like…Whatever!

AAAAAANNNNNDDDD that’s not the end…

So the rest of us continue to watch the debriefing. This guy goes over to my girlfriend & mine’s table and decides he is going to help clean up. Which would be really cool, if there was a mess to clean up. However, my girl has her leftover box sitting in the middle of the table, and next to it has her beverage… This guy scoops it all up…and tosses it… Didn’t ask… What is worse…and I’m not kidding at all… What is worse is…There was a round table roughly 15 feet away which did have everyone’s trash on it… He did not help take out another thing… He sat down in fact… AAANNNNNDDDD…When my girl (Werewolf) asked where her stuff went, this guy goes, “Oh I didn’t know it was any good I tossed it.” He has the nerve to be all upset that she’s pissed!!! He huffs out to go smoke… STILL leaving everyone else to clean up.

Allow me to show you scope of this problem. The same guy…Let’s call him…Phil…
This same guy has thrown Werewolf’s stuff away before. At our own home. He has been told no less than 12 times, NOT…to touch anything on our kitchen table…and he’s been in trouble 13 times for touching it… He’s been told as a result… If it isn’t yours DO NOT TOUCH IT… And he continues…

It’s as if this guy…PHIL…decides upon whims that he is going to throw out all the rules when and if it pleases him…and just miff everyone off…What’s worse is…He seems to target Werewolf…

Yeah… I know… We also wonder why we hang out with him.

He’s getting close.

To the BOOT!!!

Thanks for reading my rant… Had to get that out…

Just a little, but I’ll allow it :p:D

I don’t actually dislike hippies as much as I used to, I’ve mellowed as I’ve gotten older, but I still hold no truck with dreadlocks, I had them when I was 15, and they were stupid then!

So you better save up for the flying lessons or are you getting a pilot too.

Small yucky moan. Rosey (dog) got into a back of dried fruit. Well let us say the back door is open. Call into vet. I have a feeling he will say just let it pass. Oh bad pun.


Good clean fun ruined in the worst possible way. I’m sorry to hear about that.

PS. I think this guy’s hitting on your girlfriend. Really taking that whole chicks-dig-jerks theory to a whole new level.

Yup. Tell her not to wear her hair in pigtails, or else this charmer will show up with inkwells…

I say if he can not respect your place and especially your lady friend I say he is not worth the trouble.

He and I had an unplugged long talk today.

Before I can boot someone I feel that I should give them once last chance with all my cards on the table.

In the long run, he will not be left with any questions of why he got the boot…If his behavior does not change.

He did make some good points though. The group as a whole needs to claim their role in our reactions to things done.

The group needs time apart before we eat each other.

I think I’ve over done surrounding myself with people…As an extreme extrovert I may have collected too many folks… I think 13 is my limit… Or is 14 unlucky??

…And werewolf’s pigtails are only for me… :smiley: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

According to the almighty BBC, the average is 150 people.

Good to know that I’m well below average again! 13 or 14 people seems a good number to me, any more than that you risk forgetting names, or at least I do.