
AM i the only one around here who went all out and built his own Battletech/warhammer/about any outher war game landscapeing out of styro and train set bits.

i have been puttering with the landscapeing for awhile and i am just woundering if anyone else has done this and might have some tips on how to do this so it doesnt look like my 2 year old did the planning part.

I wish I had the room :stuck_out_tongue:

hey where in WI are you at? I’m in the Manitowoc/Two Rivers area off the lakeshore

wisconsin rapids area

i am hopeing if i meet a few more GWC folks on here maybe we could eventually do a meet up in stevens point or somewhere

that’d be cool, I’m not sure if I’ve seen any other WIers around here though, if there are I think there might only be a couple more

Be sure to add yourselves to the GWC Chapters thread! They’re working on building a database by region, and then everyone will know who’s in their area. (Another Wisconsonian: He’s not on the list, but I think Beef is in the Milwaukee area.)

BTW, I used to date a guy from Sheboygan. WI is a beautiful part of the country!


yeah I love WI, especially along the lake shore, last Sunday I had lunch at a restaurant that was right off the Marina in Sheboygan, was a perfect day outside too, really beautiful

we get a bad rep in pop culture though, everything thinks we’re a bunch of hicks who only drink beer and eat cheese

Sadly true. I get that look every time I tell people where I’m from (outside Milwaukee), though I maybe go back once a year. Maybe. Whatever, they just don’t get it. :rolleyes:

Was the restaurant near the Armory? If so, I’ve eaten there, though it was late fall, so we ate inside, but I remember a beautiful deck looking out over the marina.

And don’t forget the bratwurst! LOL! Yeah, my ex didn’t fit those stereotypes, either. He was a scotch-drinking web-designer with a fondness for comic books and sci-fi. Woulda fit in perfectly here!

Bisco Country Grille I think it was called?

the Armory sounds familiar, but there’s like 5 restaurants all up and down just that one side of the boardwalk, but I think it was the only one with the nice deck out looking over the marina

I don’t really go to Sheboygan that much and I’ve only been to its Marina 3 times so I’m no expert on it

also I’m about to grill some brats and I’m eating some locally made string cheese…I’m a stereotype! lol

but I love scifi…so I’m still cool right?

That sounds right. This was like…um…10 years ago.

Sure! We all do stereotypical things, don’t we?

well the entire marina looks like it was all redone within maybe 5 years or so?

so it could be the same place with maybe a facelift, because

also psst GWC meetup in Sheboygan for Brat Days next weekend in Sheboygan! :wink:

hmm raf as Wisconsin goes i love it here. lived in alot of outher places. and well the laws here are sane. only real problem i have is that i work in blue collar and while i do drink, unlike the crew that i supervise i cant do the bar EVERY morning after work thing. and no i dont think its a Wi thing so much as an american thing. i fail to understand it.

but i digress i do love Wi and i live only 15 miles from the bast sushi place i have ever been to. and i have been to many. called tokyo steak house place is amazing. and i have to say you every tryed to buy chesse in the old south. good luck and pray for a Wi sticker.

do you work third shift?

i work night shift 12’s 6pm to 6am.

oh dang, I could never do that shift

my work hours vary by an hour

monday wednesday friday its usually 8am to 4:30, tuesday and thursday its 7am to 3:30 but if we’re real busy (which we have been) we stay until everything for the next day’s delivery is done

can’t complain about the OT pay though, these past 4 weeks I’ve worked

59 (plus the free extra 8 hours we got because we were suppose to have off the 3rd but ended up working 11 hours that day)

things are a bit slower so there might not be any OT this week :frowning:

well good luck with that i pull 5 day weeks like this. my wife stays home mostly and takes care of our 3 dogs (1 saint bernard 2 Dachshounds) 3 cats , and 2 year old child she allso helps my grand mother on the farm dealing with the Llama’s and the cows.

so yes as a child i really did llama hearding. i work as a “non-biological-biological USDA object handeler/inspector”

nice titel huh. what it means is i stare at potato’s for 12 hours day and pick out the random non potato junk. as in wood, pop cans,animal bits, the odd altenator or tractor part. largest thing my crew of 10 has found so far. a john deer transmission.

I moved to Iowa seven years ago and have only visited Wisconsin once, but I found myself very much enamored with my time there. Cheese curds, beautiful rolling hills, the Mustard Museum, the House on the Rock… a guy could get used to this.

Never had brats in my life until I packed up and came out here, and now they’re one of my absolute favorite foods.

well its like i allways say every thing good in life is from wisconsin.

and i can prove it.

bratweirst, like 80% of the us beer, all the good cheese, D&D is from lake geneva WI. many of the guys that made FASA are from wisconsin. and johnny depp even filmed a movie here. plus we have the largset water park in the US/or possibly world i forget. in wisconsin dells. i spent 4 years in the army driveing alot of things all over the USA and have yet to see a state with as much landscape variety as wisconsin. tho if i had to live elsewhere it would be savannah ga.

Ya I think the Dells, at least as a city as a whole, has the most waterparks, I’m not sure if it has the single biggest one though, but its got some big ones

my family has some land just north of the Dells in Adams county

and Jara, that’s nothing! the Northeast part of the state is where its all at! :smiley:

and people think we’re just being arrogant about the cheese, but it really is better here :slight_smile:

DEATH TO THE CALIFORNIA COW ADS!!! :stuck_out_tongue: