you see, they should have used Case New Holland instead of John Deer!
So say we all!!!
Well, I will give you that Wisconsin is beautiful country (after all, I said it earlier in the thread), but the mid-west (including Ohio) is all pretty varied in landscape. And if you throw in Pennsylvania, you’ve got mountains, too. As for the beer, I’m not a big fan of most of the domestic mega-brews. But bring on the cheese!
Wisconsin cheese is to die for! (Although having recently tried Tillamook cheddar from Oregon and Amish Butter cheese from Ohio, other places can do really good cheese, too.)
we allso have a boat load of micro brewerys. no kidding one used to not be abel to be exported out of state. and what i meant was the most varied landscape in one state. we have plains scrub- river valley forest, large swamps, deciduious forests, pine forests, even a mountain that looks like a rib cage. (googel Rib mountain) i mean if you look at lacross from the west bank it looks like HI no kidding.
I know, I was just pickin with ya.
ahh its ok. i am not from wisconsin but i grew up here since i was 6. and of all the places i have been i love this place.
the lack of Sprecher or Point root beer in this thread disappoints me
LMAO you know up till some time in the 70’s we couldnt export point beer for some odd ball reason.
i live 15 miles from the brewery it costs like $3 for the tour and you get free samples of all thier products
originally posted by Someone and Someone Else--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AM i the only one around here who went all out and built his own Battletech/warhammer/about any outher war game landscapeing out of styro and train set bits.
I have been puttering with the landscapeing for awhile and i am just woundering if anyone else has done this and might have some tips on how to do this so it doesnt look like my 2 year old did the planning part.
I used to paint Battle Tech Minatures and do some landscaping for them when I was in high school. I taught myself how to do it but they turned out pretty damned sweet. I would usually build a river, open field and a cliff face so I could incorporate a Castle Brian inside the cliff (since they were designed as underground facilities). Unfortunately they are long gone so I don’t have pictures of them. On a different note I’m an FIB (Frakin Illinois Bastard for those of you not from Wisconsin or Michigan, oh yes, we know our nicknames;)) that grew up in Chicago and camped every year up in the Minocua area. I LOVE WISCONSIN! Anyway if you have any questions I might be able to answer them for you.
Oh! You mean like how we on-the-PA-border-Ohioans are taught in driver’s ed class how to say “Godsdamn Pennsylvania Drivers!” ?
Yup, you betcha.
my preferred term is ‘flatlander’
I have a great uncle who lives in Minocqua
Sweet. Get out there often?
Well liftie I have been uceing styroboards for the landscape and i am really just woundering if there is something else out there that looks better.
best i have been abel to come up with is the styro boards they sell at walmart. i have had to go this route due to the fact that the gameing shop that sold the real base stuff went under about 3 months before i decided to try it. so if anyone has anyideas on a better non-melting when painted idea let me know
and you guys forgot to mention F.I.S.H.
Didn’t know about the FISH one. Thats good:) Anyway I used to use (remember I was self taught at this and about sixteen at the time) window screen and paper mache and spackle to make my hills and cliffs. All I did was crumple the screen up to give it texture and plaster it over and manipulte it while its wet until I had the shape I wanted and then figure out a way to let it dry while holding said shape. You could definitly use this to make some flatter or rolling terrain. This would give me a very workable surface that could be sanded, cut and painted without melting. I would use foam to fill in the gaps under the hills and behind my cliffs to give them support. After painting you could apply scenic cement or even Elmers and evenly sprinkle on some bags of turf or lay down some and attach rocks, scree, trees and small vegetation. I bought some molds from the hobby shop for rocks that turned out pretty good for random outcrops (rubber mold and plaster). You did mention the melting problem with foam. Don’t abandon the foam yet. I was able to make some really good looking stream beds and gulleys this way. I would carve out the rough shape of the gulley and a deeper cut at the bottom for the stream. Painting it would melt it down a bit and hopefully give it a more organic feel, and I would sacrifice a bottle of Elmers Glue (remove the cap) and pour it down along the stream bed. When it dried it looked alot like the surface of water, especially after you apply model paint to it.
I’ve actually never been there, closest I’ve been is Rhinelander, same county but eastern part of it instead of west
Originally posted by Darth Revan Rules : I’ve actually never been there, closest I’ve been is Rhinelander, same county but eastern part of it instead of west
If you have the chance check it out. You can’t go wrong visiting any part of Vilas County. I used to go up there a couple of times a year to go camping. Loved it.
I’m planning a big camping/fishing trip up near Ashland/Iron counties off Lake Superior next year, maybe I’ll have to make a pit stop!
i used to go to some boyscout camp near rhinelander was a really cool place. i mean camp sucked but that was due to the DB councelors