Just Finished Watching the Entire Series

Hello again. I posted here a few months ago when I first began watching Battlestar Galactica. It took me about two months to watch the entire series, including Razor and all the webisodes. It was a little confusing trying to figure out the order in which to watch everything. I had to try so hard not to talk to anyone about it, look things up on the internet, and listen to podcasts. It seemed like every time I would turn on my television, someone would start talking about who was a Cylon and I had to quickly change the channel to avoid being spoiled. It was difficult not to talk to anyone about it, especially when something awesome or confusing happened. I wanted to post or call someone up and be like “HOLY FRAK! DID YOU SEE THAT? THAT WAS AWESOME!” or “What the FRAK was that?!” But I had to suffer in silence because I didn’t trust anyone to not spoil me, as I had been spoiled slightly on a few things already.

It didn’t take long for me to love this show. The acting is superb, the writing is rich and dark and it does something that few television shows do… it doesn’t assume that I’m too much of an idiot to understand its complicated plot. I find that too many shows over-explain things because they assume their audience couldn’t possibly understand what’s going on. This show kept me up at night, it made me question my own humanity and beliefs. I love that.

There were points where I would sit down to watch it, trying to make a promise to myself that I would only watch two or three episodes, and then suddenly it’s four AM and I’m seriously becoming an insomniac because I can’t turn it off.

This show is ballsy. Another thing that many other shows fail to do, which is to take risks, to not be afraid of the dreaded “jumping the shark” that people throw out way too quickly. Especially in the world that we live in, it isn’t afraid to question your political or religious beliefs, and it doesn’t decide the answer for you. Nothing is black and white. You can see things from every angle. Is Gaius Baltar completely evil and self-absorbed? Is there a human being somewhere inside of him? I still don’t know, and I like it that way. It makes you think. It challenges you.

Some of my favorite moments, off the top of my head…

Galactica jumping into New Caprica’s atmosphere, falling, and then jumping out. How great was that? That’s one of the most bad-ass moments in television I’ve ever seen.

The end of Season 2, “One Year Later.” I thought that was very risky. I think I had to take a break from it after that episode just to let it sink in for a while.

Kara Thrace’s death. There aren’t many television shows that have made me shed a year, but that was definitely one of the times that this show has. This was very surprising to me because in the beginning, probably the entire first season, I hated Starbuck. But then, in Season 2, when she had some character development, I started to like her. Then I started to love her, and they kill her off. It always happens that way. Of course, I already knew she would return because I had already seen her on the Season 4 DVD set.

Gaius Baltar speaking in his native tongue. Wow. I thought that scene was so intense and well acted by James Callis. I really enjoy his acting, and the character of Gaius Baltar. He may be evil, but he’s sort of an anti-hero and I’m always a big fan of those characters. The character of Gaius Baltar offered me endless enjoyment throughout this show, plus I always gravitate toward the scientific-type characters. Not to mention, I didn’t mind seeing Tricia Helfer half naked.

The “As if this moment, we are at war.” and “Earth” speeches from William Adama. I would follow that man into battle any day. Every time he said “So say we all!” I found myself repeating it back to him.

Tricia Helfer. It seemed as though, in the beginning she was just there to look pretty and be Baltar’s muse, but I think she grew so much as a character or characters and as an actress.

Lee Adama being elected a member of the Quorum, when he goes to the hanger deck and everyone salutes him. That was moving.

I thought the end was fitting. The show was really dark in general, but the last season got extremely dark, and I was kind of anticipating a death and destruction ending. What ultimately happened, I didn’t see coming. I’m still a little confused about some of the things that happened. Granted, I haven’t had that much time to read up on anything. I like the fact that the end didn’t answer everything in a concrete matter-of-fact way, because the show can go on forever, because it keeps making you think.

I’ve only had the chance to watch the series once all the way through, and I’m dying to go back and watch it again to see everything that I missed in the beginning. My favorite show is LOST, and I was always jealous when people told me that they had just gotten into it and watched all the seasons through in a few weeks. I always thought, how great would it be to have things pay off almost instantly, and not have to wait eight months for more questions. But now, I’m glad that I didn’t watch it that way, after having experienced BSG like that. I wish that I had watched BSG from the beginning. Having gone through it so quickly, I didn’t quite have the chance to think about things a whole lot, or let them sink in. There wasn’t much time to formulate theories or discuss each episode, which I feel is something that I really missed out on watching it the way that I did.

I’m so glad that I got into this show. It didn’t take long for it to surpass most of my favorite shows, in fact I would probably put it at #2. I really enjoy shows that have good characters and a deep mythology. This show was absolutely one of the best things I’ve ever seen. What a journey, and I’m only two months in to being a fan. I already find myself muttering “frak” and wanting to tell everyone I’ve ever met about how awesome it is.

Sorry for the long post, I had to get this off my chest with people who get it, as I been holding it in for two months now!

Welcome back, 92. Nice to see the show through fresh eyes (and congrats on avoiding spoilers, there should be a merit badge for that.)

Great to read your review of the series. After watching The Plan I’m trying to figure out when I will have time to do a rewatch myself. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

And yes the Galactica jumping into atmo on New Caprica was awesome!

Yes. Well done and welcome back. feel free to ask any questions you want even if you think they might have been asked already.

on a similar note. A man I work with finely agreed to watch the mini series on my word that it was good enough to ‘catch’ his interest. He has now gotten up to the beginning of season 4.0.
I have to say, that having someone come into your office and start talking about a Galactica episode having seen it for the first time, is a lot of fun and somewhat difficult to not spoil anything for them.

Any way . well done.

I feel you… I did the same thing! :slight_smile:

If you (or anyone else) wants to rewatch, a group of us are moving towards the end of Season 1, we watch two episodes a week, starting at 2pm EST on Sundays

well put 92…excellent picks too. totally agree with all of them.

Love me BSG! Wish I had known about this place sooner so I could have participated in the episode Frak Parties. Hearing about it all again makes me really crave getting the boxset on blu-ray.

hi 92’

I recommend going to Syfy’s website and listening along to RDM’s complete set of podcasts (as well as the David Eick’s videocasts and the Q&A’s) in tandem with the episodes…

… I wonder if the mp3 files are still there on Scifi’s website…hmmm…

See you Sunday then? :slight_smile:

I can’t imagine the fun of watching the entire series without the maddening delays and downtime SyFy made us all suffer through! And yeah, as CylonMatrix stated, pick a few favorites and listen to the Ron Moore Podcasts that go with them, they’re frakking fascinating and often give excellent insight into the characters, and of course the mindset of the writing team and the production. Really interesting stuff! And jump in some Sunday on the forum for a Frak!

I have a break coming up and your post has inspired me to rewatch the whole series. God it’s going to be amazing.

The New Caprica ftl jump is one of my single favourite special effects scene of all time (though the battles in the finale come close).

Some of my other favorites from the series:

I think 33 remains the most suspenseful hour of television I’ve ever watched.

I just love love love Tricia Helfer – I don’t have much patience for the usual sci-fi babe (i’m gay) but Helfer had one of hardest (if not the hardest) roles in the series and she pulled it off amazingly well.

Gaius has remained a fascinating, ambigous character – something I didn’t really expect in the miniseries. James Callis is so great.

Apollo was a pretty difficult role too and his arc was really interesting. They took a goody goody and made him into a well rounded person with some major cajones (teehee).

Scar is probably my favorite of season 2 and one of the best in the seires.

I absolutely loved everything about “Somtimes a Great Notion” one of my favorite in the series. Kara Thrace seeing her dead body … it still gives me goosebumps.

It was really great to see Laura totally loose it. Roslin is a really great study of how power changes a person.

I freaking love All Along the Watchtower.

I can’t imagine the fun of watching the entire series without the maddening delays and downtime SyFy made us all suffer through! And yeah, as CylonMatrix stated, pick a few favorites and listen to the Ron Moore Podcasts that go with them, they’re frakking fascinating and often give excellent insight into the characters, and of course the mindset of the writing team and the production. Really interesting stuff! And jump in some Sunday on the forum for a Frak!

Thanks for the recommendations. I found Ronald D. Moore’s podcasts on iTunes and started listening to them while watching the show, though I fell behind on them pretty quickly. I think I’m up to Season 3. Kind of glad I held back on them though because he let’s some spoilers out of the bag and I didn’t want to know anything, though they are really interesting and insightful. Definitely have to check out David Eick’s vidcasts.

“33” was a great episode and definitely got me hooked, despite the fact that I still don’t understand WHY the cylons came back every 33 minutes. Maybe they were just bored. :slight_smile:

I agree, Tricia Helfer definitely had one of the hardest roles in the series, and she seemed to excel with every new challenge they gave her. As a straight dude, I definitely didn’t mind any scene with her in it. I’m short too, and I’d look worse than Gaius Baltar standing next to that woman… wouldn’t mind it at all.

For a while (maybe a couple of days because I watched so many episodes back to back) I really thought the Nebula was going to be a worm hole into an alternate dimension, which caused the two Kara Thrace’s. Still don’t really understand the whole meaning behind her story.

Loved “All Along the Watchtower” as well, but every time I hear it, I can’t help but wish it was the Jimi Hendrix version. Big Hendrix fan, can’t help it.

I just love love love Tricia Helfer – I don’t have much patience for the usual sci-fi babe (i’m gay) but Helfer had one of hardest (if not the hardest) roles in the series and she pulled it off amazingly well.

A-frakkin’-men! What I find even more impressive is that, before BSG, she’d never acted before (other than a very small part as a victim on an episode of CSI).

Gaius has remained a fascinating, ambigous character – something I didn’t really expect in the miniseries. James Callis is so great.

Yes. Baltar still remains my favorite character of the entire series for this reason. He’s ostensibly the villain of the piece, except when he’s not. I find him to be the most identifiable character in the whole series.

Ok 92’,

I don’t know if you have seen this but here goes :


You laugh.

Now watch it again - carefully.

In true RDM fashion, everything they say here will eventually come true in Season 4. He tells it like it is, and then shows it. The thing about RDM is that he makes you believe that he’s not really going to show you the answer, but he does!


I have seen that video. I’m thankful the Saul Tigh naked part isn’t true.

As I said before, I tried to stay away from everything, so the first time watching this… I totally didn’t know that Jamie Bamber was English.


92, thanks for inspiring me to do a marathon re-watch. Gods, I love BSG.

i’m in the middle of my rewatch - somewhere in season 2 right now.

head-six just told baltar that she’s “an angel of god”
it’s soooooooo frustrating that they ‘told us the answer’ all along !!! hah.
but of course she says that after she first tried to convince baltar that he was crazy and she was just a hallucination. so really how were any of us supposed to believe anything she said!?

OK, I’m also a newcomer to BSG, watched everything once and some bits twice. I haven’t been able to track down the webisodes for The Face of the Enemy, though.

Anyway, here’s my question - don’t we find out that the Final Five drama has been playing out for millennia? And the nuked “first Earth” that was populated by Cylons? How does that mesh with the first Cylon having been created 58 years before the destruction of the Colonies? I’m utterly baffled by that, and the boards here and elsewhere have helped fill in some of the other blanks for me, so I’m hoping someone figured this out, too.

Cylons created 58 years ago (by the way, watch Caprica) didn’t have the ability to resurrect. Nor did they have the ability to have biological bodies. The Final 5 promised to give them those technologies in exchange for them to stop the war with the humans.

Unfortunately they hope for peace was foiled by a bratty old man child.

Ah, thank you.

LOVE Caprica! The world building is gorgeous. There was such rich backstory to BSG but since the worlds had been destroyed, we got only glimpses, Caprica City looks just exquisite.

So, if I understand correctly - we humans are descended from Hera, half BSG-Human and Skin Job Cylon. The Skin Job Cylons are the product of the Centurion Cylons with the Final Five, who came from we-don’t-know-where and shared the resurrection and skin job technology. Is that basically it?


Anyway, here’s my question - don’t we find out that the Final Five drama has been playing out for millennia? And the nuked “first Earth” that was populated by Cylons? How does that mesh with the first Cylon having been created 58 years before the destruction of the Colonies? I’m utterly baffled by that, and the boards here and elsewhere have helped fill in some of the other blanks for me, so I’m hoping someone figured this out, too.

This is all conjecture but if I understand it correctly, Kobol is where all life began. The gods and humanity lived together. “Something” happened and the 12 colonies left Kobol and settled elsewhere. There was a 13th colony that went to Erf (where the Final Five were). “Something” happened and the Final Five left Erf and helped the Cylon create humanoid Cylon. The humanoid Cylon murdered all of humanity on the 12 colonies. The lone Battlestar Galactica found Earth.

There are plenty of questions still unanswered. Who are the gods? Did humans live on Erf? Was the 13th colony a rogue society (possibly followers of the One True God)? Where was the first Cylon created (on Kobol? on Erf?)?