Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

k…now i’ve wacted it a few more times, so capn hammer didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger…i’m also wondering if joss is pointing out the tendency in our society to idolize and look up to shallow narcissistic people as our heroes???

Nice observation livia.

I just finished watching the latest act. I agree with everyone and I want more!
Captain Hammer running away like a scared little girl made me think of the Cowardly Lion after being smack by Dorthy. I was sad when Penny died. I want to see more of the League of Doom they showed at the end.

MIS-and ree (emphasis on first syllable, would rhyme with “HISS and free” if that were a thing that people said)

Like the postcard says:
I’ll be a post-feminist in a post-patriarchy.

I was sure, because Penny was so two-dimensional in comparison to Dr. Horrible and Capt. Hammer, that she must have an alter-ego. I was thinking it would be Dark Horse- but no dice.

Dr. H was drawn to Penny because she was innocent and joyful at the same time as she wanted the same kind of changes in the world that, ultimately, Billy was really aiming for. I would be annoyed by her naivete only if she continued on as a character without significant growth- while the end made me feel like I got kicked in the stomach, I think it worked for such a 2-D character.

Captain Hammer is an anagram for gigantic doucheface. Oh wait, no it’s not. Still, that’s what he was. Perhaps the gun stole his powers, perhaps not. I think he still had them but once he tasted pain he also tasted fear and was then afraid to use them. Because he was a character with no foundation outside of his own fragile ego, once that was shattered he was nothing. Nothing!

The gun may have broken because Dr. H just wasn’t a very good evil-doer until he had his heart ripped out. I could totally see him making a gun that would only mostly work because his heart wasn’t really in to causing mayhem and sorrow. He just wanted people to open their eyes and work to make the world better- and have fun giving the sheeple their come-uppance.

Well, I heard there was going to be an epilogue posted to the site, so I’m going to keep checking it for a few days. Also, I read that they’re on track to make a small amount of $$ from this (not much, but at least it won’t cost Joss personal funds). We may well get more, and I’m totally in if we do.

You just caught me out since I was viewing the thread at 8 AM on Saturday morning… not realizing that the third part was already available for viewing.

On the third part… well, hm. I think my enjoyment was hampered by my annoyingly slow internet connection - every 2 minutes, buffering… and sometimes it was really choppy. Again, I blame my cheap internet.

Penny was such a tool, it was nice to see Hammer taken down (muwahahaha) and Dr. Horrible is a neat character. And I echo those who say - it’s really a horse! That’s funny!

I didn’t find the 3rd act too “down,” per se - with a “hero” like Captain Hammer, what can you expect? Though his shirt and his fan-club’s shirt are pretty amusing.

Right up to when we see what happened to her, I was waiting for Penny to come to Dr. Horrible’s rescue. They’d make a lovely supervillain couple. :smiley:

So does anyone else really want some action figures? :smiley:


We’ve been watching with our 5 yr old daughter- muted at the whole “hammer is my penis” :eek: part- we love it! She hasn’t seen part 3, yet, and I’m wondering how I’ll edit that for her- I’m no vid whiz. eep!

I can’t wait for the soundtrack!

Any word on a DVD, I’m not sure if that’s wishful thinking on the fan sites or legit?

no, I’m pretty sure that was legit. I only wish they’d have the soundtrack for sale at comic-con next week

Look out. I think something is on track for ComiCon.

I was thinking Penny was Bait. Cause wasn’t buff dude in white with pink Switch at the end but I saw no Bait.

And yes it’s two people.

The guy with Moist at the end is the Pink Pummeller. Check the credits for all the bit characters, including Dead Bowie and Fake Thomas Jefferson (both members of the League).


Ah okay

Pike’s been great about posting lyrics, but here’s someone who’s already finished it–skip the first poster and go on to Jazzy Fizzle. there are 2 posts, and the transcriptions look pretty decent

If anyone is interested in seeing it, Joss Whedon was on Best Week Ever on VH1 this week, discussing (briefly) Dr. Horrible. It replays at the following times (ET):

Sun 7/20 12:30 PM
Mon 7/21 1:00 AM
Mon 7/21 11:00 AM
Tue 7/22 12:30 AM

thanks, Poofy!


Thank you!

A mention was made in the open letter posted on page 1 of this thread

“And somewhat later, we will put the complete short epic out on DVD – with the finest and bravest extras in all the land. We’ll go into greater detail about that at Comiccon, but we’re changing the face of Show Friendliness a second time with that crazy DVD.”

I can’t wait till Comicon!!! :smiley:

Both Dead Bowie and The Fake Thomas Jefferson are incredible super-bad-guy names. Perhaps I should become Mother Theresa’s Evil Twin and submit my application to the ELoE…