Joss Whedon's: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

I need to go back and find Purple Pimp

Is that the guy whose house they used?

Is this him? 1:58 in Act III

He certainly looks like he’s got quite a mighty pimp slap. :slight_smile:

as you can see, Katebo says that’s the Pink Pummeller–I’m inclined to agree. I think I’ve found the Pimp–he fist bumps DH just before he enters the board room at the end.

Makes sense to me. Actually, that was the name I thought of when I originally was trying to figure out what “PP” stood for.

I think I’ve found the Pimp–he fist bumps DH just before he enters the board room at the end.

I’m sold. :slight_smile:


I will tune in for the 1:00 am show.

That is the guy whose house they used for Dr. Horrible’s lair!

Very cool articles!

Le sigh. I want to turn my house into an evil lair. Some people have all the fun.

So ya’ll. If you were apply for membership into the ELoE, what would your villanous name be and, more importantly, what would you wear?

I’ve gotta let that one marinate for a while…

great idea, seelix! and I love your sig. I actually considered both those quotes for mine :smiley:

I just watched all three parts and holy frak, I didn’t want that to end. I love seeing Felicia day in The Guild, so it was soooooo much fun seeing her here and both Nathan Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris were a joy to watch.

It’s still available online for free, but I bet that midnight limit is according to west coast time, so it’ll probably be taken down by the time I wake up tomorrow.

I can’t wait for the DVD.

I just added #3 while you were posting. Your new avatar is teh ossim!!

I think I’ll go with Rotten Tooth Fairy for my villainous alter-ego. :rolleyes: All black outfit with candy and meth pipes hanging from ripped wings. British accent, maybe? It could work.

Feministe and The Hathor Legacy have interesting commentaries on Dr. Horrible… in case people are interested.

Thanks for that. I’m going to keep those open in tabs, because there’s a lot worth exploring there.

My first take on Feministe’s take is quizzical. I find Joss’ “Feminism” problematic. It’s more an idealized reality, which makes him a bit of a polllyanna in my eyes. (To be clear, I find it attractive (Wouldn’t that be cool?) and dangerous (OMG, The GF is talking smack to the guy whacking his ho around) at the same time.)

Hathor got it precisely wrong. It’s not “Penny’s Sing-a-Long Blog,” after all. Cpt. Hammer is no more developed than she is. Strike that, he’s less developed. She has some conflict going on. It’s Dr. H’s story, and while it was much grimmer than I expected, it makes perfect sense.

What Joss did in thirty-odd minutes is trump Lucas in six-odd hours. That’s how a (relatively) good guy becomes a tragic figure.

I should also point out that has an very interesting take (based on some earlier content) about the Dr. H. story.

I don’t know how my evil would play out, but a floor length cape and tall boots would be involved somehow. I was Wonder Woman for Halloween two years ago and the cape/boots made me feel soooo bad ass and empowered. Plus the cape covered my ass.

Did you see the Tooth Fairies from Hellboy 2?

I took a peek at both sites. I’ll be the first to admit I’d rather be on E! or Perez Hilton, but the points made were thought provoking. Still, at the end of the day, can’t there be room for good, silly fun?

Having said that, I did feel frustrated with Sean and Chuck’s notion (from #109) that Leia is high maintenance. When I think of a HM gal, I think purse dog, not rebel leader. Do either of those sights have anything to say about Princess Leia? I would be interested in reading that.

No! Good, silly fun is a tool of the patriarchy!

And I should know…

thank you! I seldom yell at my iPod, but when Chuck and Sean were going on about how difficult Leia was making Han’s life, I couldn’t help myself. as I alluded to in the 109 thread, Han’s life was all kinds of complicated before he even met Leia. or are we forgetting why he shot first?

Glad to know I wasn’t the only one who felt that way. No way is Leia HM! Han stuck around because he is a good person deep inside. Then he fell for her.

My frustration with this was more that Audra was, I think, talking about a completely different thing than Chuck was getting, so the analogy of Leia being a HM hottie wasn’t working in the first place.

In terms of what a high maintenance woman is, I think of one of Carrie Fisher’s other masterpieces: When Harry Met Sally. Leia is not high maintenance; she needs very little to make her happy with a man: he’s got to be politically active on the right side, handsome, and action-oriented. He also has to listen to her when she’s right and take her seriously. Not a long list.

Chuck and Sean were totally right that getting involved with Leia is going to complicate your life, but so would getting involved with Han or Barack Obama or anyone who leads a life that is either dangerous or high-profile. Leia doesn’t complicate things because of what she demands of her man, it’s the life she leads.

internet was down all day :frowning:
i do have to say that i’ve been biting my tongue however in regards to penny being a two dimensional character…she’s a lot like me…she works to give those less fortunate than herself to help give them a better quality of life…i work with children and families suffering from autism…that kind of compassion and dedication is certainly not appreciated or understood by the population at large ie close friends and family constantly chastise me and tell me i could be making so much more money and think of me as a failure because i choose to do something meaningful to me rather than doing something for material expediency…i feel like i know what really matters…i don’t eat meat either and i loved that penny was a vegetarian heroine…i love her optimism and hope and idealism cause those are things i cultivate in myself…so if she’s two dimensional i’m two dimensional and so be it…at least i am trying to be part of the solution and not the problem with the world…penny totally kicked ass in a quiet nerdy way and didn’t expect applause like captain hammer and did it without hurting/scaring people like dr horrible…

paris hilton would be high maintenance i think…leia is no paris hilton!!